Jacob Hamblin





Jump to [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

John Absolom
George Washington Adair
Joseph Welton Adair
Samuel Jefferson Adair
Orson Bennett Adams
Robert Darius Adams
Samuel Lorenzo Adams
Frederick "Fritz" Adolphy
J. T. Affleck
Susanna Katharina Agenstein
Douglas D. Alder
Robert Angus Alexander
Joseph Johnson Alger
Michael & Cynthia Alldredge
Rufus Chester Allen
Washington Irving Allen
Elmira Burnetta Alphin
Israel Dodge Alphin
John Henry Alphin
Joshua & Alice Alphin
Mary Burnetta Alphin
Charles & Mabel Alsop
Bart Anderson   (aka Ranger Bart)
Nels Anderson
Peter Anderson
Charles Andrus
Charles "Iliff" Andrus
James Andrus
Milo Andrus
Randolph Andrus
Randolph "Dolph" Andrus, Jr.
Alma & Charlotte Angell
George & Rebecca Angell
Solomon Angell
Truman O. Angell
Antonio Armijo
Gene Kenneth Asay
Nathaniel Ashby Jr.
William & Rachel Atkin
Rudger & Leona Atkin
Charles E. Aumond
Elisha Averett
George Washington Gill Averett
Rudolf Bachmann
Levin & Celia Bacon
Sarah Jane Averett Adams Wertz Bailey
James & Sarah Baker
Johnson Richard Barbee
William Tecumseh Barbee
William A. Barlocker
William & Jane Barnes
Phillip Barnhart
Andrew Hales Barnum
Jacob Bastian
Rulon & Erma Beatty
Elizabeth L. Snow Beckstrom
Isaac Behunin
George Leroy Bemis
George H. Bennett
Frank Richard Bentley
Joseph Charles Bentley
Richard Bentley
Richard Sullivan Bentley
William Oscar Bentley, Jr.
John & Minnie Berryman
Charles H. Bigelow
Henry William Bigler
Joseph Flitcroft Birch
Levi Thomas Bishop
Black Hawk
William Young Black
James G. Bleak
Frederick M. Blomquist
Daniel Bonelli
Craig Booth MD
James J. Booth (Sr)
James J. Booth (Jr)
Beverly Collins Boren
Cyrus Green Boren
Ephraim Darius Boren
Ferris (or Farris) Elmo Bowler
Francis Joseph Bowler
Harry Hill Bowler
James Moroni Bowler
John Henry Bowler
Marion Hill Bowler
Melvin Truman Bowler
George C. Boyd
Chester Blake Boyden
Benjamin Franklin Boyer
Samuel Dodge Boyer
William Augustus Boyer
William & Malissa Boyer
James B. Bracken, Sr.
Samuel Bradshaw
William Henry Branch, Jr.
Daniel L. Brick
William & Margaret Brick
Phillip & Martha Brieger
George Brooks Sr.
Juanita Brooks
William Brooks
Nate Brooksby
Nathan Abijah Brundage
William Lane Brundage
Ebenezer Bryce
Casper Bryner
Nicholas & Phoebe Bubb
Abraham & Ella Bundy
Lincoln Delmar Bundy
Roy & Doretta Iverson Bundy
Don Carlos Burgess
Harrison J. Burgess
Melancthon W. Burgess
Rodney & Elizabeth Burgess
Samuel Isreal Burgess, Sr.
William Burgess Jr.
William Burgess Sr.
Frances R. Burke
Jake Busher
William Franklin Butler
James LeRoy Byrne
Asa Stalkweather Calkin
Kenneth Campbell
David & Elizabeth Canfield
Angus M. Cannon
David H. Cannon
Earl & Alice Cannon
George Cannon
George Q. Cannon
Harold & Vernessa Cannon
Howard W. Cannon
Walter Cannon
Woodruff W. Cannon
Nils & Gustava Capson
Mary Adelia Carbine   (Mary Adelia Carbine Northrup Petty Grant Taylor)
Michael Carbis
James H. Carlton   (aka Thomas W. Canning)
Frank R. Carter
William Carter
William "Will" & Golda Bowler Carter
Charles Henry Case
Butch Cassidy
James Leslie Cassidy
John Henry Cassidy
Lewis & Sarah Chaffin
David Chidester
John Madison Chidester
Chief Antonga Black Hawk
Samuel Walter Chynoweth
Peter Clancy
Gibson Clark
Henry Clifford Clark
James Edward Clark
John & Esther Clark
Lynne Clark-Brunson
Patrick & Ellen Clark
Alexander W. Colbath
Albert Washington Collins
John & Agnes Collins
Patrick Condon
Sarah Louisa Conklin
Charles Albert Connelley
Joshua Holden Cook
Dr. John Tilly Cooper
Erastmus William Cooper
Evan Erastmus Cooper
Arthur B. Cort
Henry Cornelius
Henry & Emma Bradshaw Cornelius
Garth B. Cottam
Heber & Asineth Cottam
John H. Cottam
Thomas Punter Cottam
Thomas & Caroline Smith Cottam
Walter Pace Cottam
Isaac Loren Covington
John Thomas Covington
Robert D. Covington
Dean & LaRene Cox
Henderson & Emma Cox
Isaiah Cox
Melvin Eugene & Harriet Hoyt Cox
Parke & Emily Cox
Warren & Mary Etta Lee Cox
Wilford C. Cox DDS
James & Eleanor Lane Cragun
Thomas Calvin & Amelia Chambers Cragun
Evan Milton Crane
J. L. Crawford
George W. Crocheron
James Cronin
George Henry Crosby
Henry George & Emma Seegmiller Crosby
Jesse Wentworth Crosby
George William Crouch
Francis L. Daggett
Morris B. "Moe" Dalitz
Charles Wakeman Dalton
James & Maria Davidson
Joseph Davis
Reese & Sarah Davis
John Day, Jr.
John Day, Sr.
Jeremiah & Hannah Deady
Oliver DeMille
Benjamin Franklin Dewey
John Diamond
James & Sarah Jane Snyder Dickinson
Roene Bigler DiFiore
Mary Meredith Dilley
Francisco Atanasio Dominguez
Catherine Dougray
Isaac Duffin
Thomas "T.P." Durrant
Sylvester Henry Earl
Sylvester Henry Earl
Evan Edwards
Stephen Edwards
Charles Henry Embley
Joseph Lamoni Empey, Jr.
John Harmon Ence   (Jay Ence)
Silvestre Velez de Escalante
Addison Everett
Nephi Robert Fawcett
Emily Perkel Feely
Drs. William & Ellen Brooke Ferguson
John Solomon Ferris
Arthur R. Fife
Howard & Bessie Fish
Joseph Fish
Chester M. Flickinger
Patrick & Katheryn Flynn
Warren Foote
David Fordonski
Isaac Fordonski
Albert Charles Foremaster
Frederick William Foremaster
Phillip & Emily Foremaster
Thomas Forrest
David Richard Forsha
Thomas Forsyth
Thomas Robert Forsyth
John G. Fortman
Edward Rudolph Frei
Jacob & Lena Frei
Johann Rudolph Frei
Landon & Wanda Frei
Newell & Leah Frei
Vivian & Jessie Frei
John C. Fremont
Henry T. Freudenthal
Herman E. Freudenthal
Richard & Theresa Fryer
Elijah Knapp Fuller
Susannah Walker Fuller
Clark Gable
Thomas Galligan
John Y. Gamble
Lehi Robert Gardner
Reuben & Lucy Almira Snow Gardner
Robert Gardner, Jr.
Michael Lawrence Garity
John Thomas & Sophia Fryer Geary
Jerald Edgar "Jerry" & Ethyl McMullin George
John & Mary Jane Hill Gerrans
Andrew Smith Gibbons
George Washington Gibson
Hugh & Afton Gibson
Peter Gill
Richmond Tyree Gillespie
Thomas Pleasant Gillespie
Wilford Goff
Max Goodenstein
John Henry Graf
John Henry Sr. & Barbara Staheli Graf
John & Emma Hafen Graf
Elgin & Vivian Tobler Graff
Emil James "E.J." Graff
George Albert & Bertha Stucki Graff
Frederick Grambs
Margaret Hurst Grambs
Walter Granger
Alfred Grant
Edmund & Emily Grant
George & Clara Grant
Sheldon & Vada Grant
Wallace M. Gray
Simon C. Greenbaum
Thomas Greenhalgh
Sykes Griffen
Isaac LeRoy Grundy
Emil & Nellie Gubler
Herman Gubler
Johannes & Maria Gubler
John & Anna Gubler
Orwin & Velda Gubler
James & Wanda Guerrero
Adolph & Nellie Hafen
Arthur K. & Orilla W. Hafen
Clark Jacob Hafen
Grant & Elva Graf Hafen
Guy Hafen
Johann George Hafen (aka John George Hafen)
John Hafen
Keith Leland Hafen
Leland "Lee" & Elsie Hafen
Lyman Hafen
Orval & Ruth Hafen
Stanley Harmon Hafen
Lois Smith Haight
Brown & Shirley Hail
Alfred & Julia Hall
Victor Hall
John James Halpin
Jacob Hamblin
William Haynes Hamblin   (Bill Hamblin, "Gunlock Hamblin")
Margaret Jane Meeks Hamilton
E. N. "Dick" Hammer
Levi Ward Hancock
Mosiah Lyman Hancock
Everlaine Haney
Kennedy James Hanley
Mary Catherine Hanrahan
President Warren G. Harding
Augustus Poore Hardy
Glen & Carlotta Haren
Warren Wilford Hardy
Grant Brooks & Eleen Higbee Harris
Peter Harrison
Richard Harrison
Francis Marion Hartley
William & Minnie Hartman
Nina Rosabel Hartwell
Lauritz & Marguretta Hassell
William & Sarah Hastings
George Hawley
John Pierce Hawley
Richard & Renee Hazen
Smith & Alice Parker Heap
William Heap
Daniel Hoyt & Lydia Eva Wilson Heaton
Peter Heitzelman
William Jasper Henderson, Sr.
Julius D. Hickox
William & Minnie Hicks
Erastus & Grace Higgins
John & Effie Higgins
Francis Enoch & Agnes Gray McMurtrie Higgins
Dr. Silas G. Higgins
Frederic John Hill
William Brown Hill
David Hirschi
Josiah Rogers Hoag
Charles Frederick Hoffman
Charles William Hoffman
Samuel Tom Holiday
Frank & Alice Holland
Jeffrey & Patricia Holland
William & Emma Holland
George A. Holt
Hannah Pugmire Hope
Heinrich Hug   (aka Henry Hug)
Jimmie Hughes
Glenwood Humphries
James Humphries
Carrie Elizabeth Laub Hunt
Elias Hunt
Hettie Burgess Hunt
James & Elizabeth Vaughan Hunt
Jefferson Hunt
Royal Samuel Hunt
Clark Allen Huntington
John Albert Huntington
James Hubert Huston
Albert James Hutchings DDS
Thomas Hutchison
James & Ada Imlay
Thomas Isom
George C. Iverson
Anthony W. Ivins
Dr. Israel Ivins
Julia Ann Ivins
Alden A. M. Jackson
William & Hannah Jackson
Hyman Solomon Jacobs
Jerome F. Jacobs
Louis Jacobs
Martin Hyrum Jacobs
Thomas James
Louis Janin
Sanford Jaques
Brigham Young & Mary Forsyth Jarvis
George & Ann Prior Jarvis
Walter Voss Jensen
Joseph Ellis Johnson
Julia Hills Johnson
Nephi Johnson
Sheldon B. Johnson
Washington Lafayette Jolley
Washington Lafayette Jolley Jr.
Arthur & Edna Hulet Jones
Ellis & Eva Cottam Jones
Eugene S. Jones
George Alonzo Jones
Heber & LaRee Jones
Hyrum Ellis Jones
William Ellis Jones
Julius Jordan
Joseph Judd
Samuel Judd Jr.
Samuel & Catherine Judd
Thomas Judd
Thomas L. Kane
Lester Keate
Daniel Hutchinson Keeler
Joseph Brigham Keeler
Edwin & Eliza Kelsey
Verl & Viola Kelsey
William Arthur & Wilma Lorine Higbee Kemp
Amelia Leicht Kemple
John Kemple
John Orson Kemple
John Raymond Kemple
Scipio Africanus Kenner   (S.A. Kenner)
Joseph Franklin Kitterman
Benjamin Knell
Samuel Knight
Dora Heuneke Baker Kohl
Richard R. Kohler
Herman Krause
George & Carma Lang
Dorothea Lange
Herman & Montrue Larkin
Wesley Pratt Larsen
Aaron Ernest "Ern" Larson
Andrew Karl Larson
Gustive O. Larson
Lars Larson
Lars James Larson
Ronald Carter Larson
Garth B. Last, M.D.
John Lazear & (aka Giovanni Lagaird)
William Leatham
Dudley Leavitt
Dudley Henry & Mary Hafen Leavitt
Edward Leo & Rena Gubler Leavitt
Glen & Florence Leavitt
John D. Lee
James Leffingwell
Isaac Allumbee Lemmon
Fountain Fox Letcherp
Dilla Ruth Lewis
Jerry Bernell Lewis
Bassett Craddock Leyson
David Leyson
James C. Liddle
Don & Neida Lightner
James N. Louder
Henry Schultz Lubbock
Herbert & Cecelia Ludwig
Brigham James Lund
Robert Charles Lund
Wilson Lund
Hiram A. Lusk
Edward Leo Lyman
William & Fannie Lynn
George Hubbard Lytle
John Milton Lytle
Aaron Johnson Macdonald
Alexander Findlay Macdonald
Issac Chauncey Macfarlane
John Menzies Macfarlane
Thomas Franklin Maloney
William Maloney
Childs Mantor
John & Johanna Martin
William Addington Martindale
Douglas LaVan Martineau
James Henry Martineau
Henry James Maudsley
George William Maynard
Ellis & Karma McAllister
John D. T. McAllister
Joseph Warrington McAllister
Martin L. McAllister
Sarah Emma McAllister
Andrew & Merle McArthur
Daniel D. McArthur
Eldon & Denise McArthur
James & Elizabeth McArthur
Lloyd & Lillian McArthur
Rudger & Erma McArthur
Thomas & Fae McArthur
Wilford & Etta McArthur
Alexander Gilmore McCleve
Joseph Smith McCleve
John McDonald
James McLean McFate
Alpine W. McGregor, M.D.
Donald A. McGregor, M.D.
Lorenzo W. McGregor, M.D.
Patrick Henry McGuire
Clark McIntyre, M.D.
Marietta (Etta) McMullin Mariger
Brigham Young & Ada Parker McMullin
David & Ruth McMullin
Willard Glover McMullin
Hortense McQuarrie
Robert Gray McQuarrie
Cornelius McReavy
Dr. Priddy Meeks
Joseph Francis Meik
Charles Joseph Leonard Mellgren
Arthur Frederick Miles
George Edmond Miles
Henry William Miles
Maurice Jarvis "MJ" Miles
Samuel Miles, Jr.
William Gustavus Miles
Albert E. Miller
Francis Miller
George Miller
Henry William Miller
Alma Millet Sr.
Artemus Millet Sr.
Artemus Millet Jr.
Joseph Millet Sr.
Alex Y. Milne
Arvel Robert Milne
Athole Jarvis Milne
David Milne
Joseph Jarvis Milne
John F. Minshall
Joseph Milton "Mitt" Moody
Hugh Moon
Alvin Taintor Moore
Amelia Leicht Kemple More
George Washington Morehous
Clair & Pearl Morris
Howard & Roma Morris
Orpha Morris
Richard & Emma Morris
Richard & Henrietta Morris
Emma Louisa Moulding
Esther Barnes Mudd
Hans M. Naegle
John Conrad Naegle
Emma Louisa Moulding Nagle
James Nagle
Ashton Nebeker
Israel Neilson
Peter Neilson Sr.   (aka Peder/Peter Nielsen)
Peter Neilson Jr.
Rodney Neilson
Henry Ernest & Euphemia Miles Nelson
Miles & Melba Nelson
Ray B. Nelson
Rex & Cleo Higgins Nelson
William & Mary Thompson Nelson
Thomas McCall Nesbit
Watson Marshall Nesbit
William Nesbit
Arthur Nicholls
Thomas Sanford Nicholls
William & Daisy Nicholls
Cail Adolph Nicholson
Antone & Cornelia Nisson
Darrell Alexander Nisson
Edward Francis Nisson
LeRoy & Janice Nisson
Neils Nisson
Quentin Alexander Nisson
Willard Orlando Nisson
James William Nixon
Preston Nutter

Maxwell Elliot & Amy Pollock Odegard
Hortense McQuarrie Odlum
William & Minerva Oliphant
Erastus & Mary Olsen
George & Marie Olsen
Andrew Brooks Pace
James Pace Jr.
John Ezra Pace
John Willard Pace
William Franklin Pace Sr.
Benjamin Head Paddock
Asael & Marva Palmer
Edward Palmer
William R. Palmer
Adolphus Henry Parker
Maximillian Parker
Richard & Betsy Parker
Robert Leroy Parker
Robert Parker
Charlotte Darkey Parkhurst
Hank Parrish
Arthur & Minnie Paxman
Arthur Alfred Paxman, Jr.
Arthur Tanner Paxman
Golden David Paxman
Hale & Leona Pearce
Harrison Pearce
John D. L. Pearce
Frank Pearson
Samuel Thomas Pearson
George Pectol
Mark Anthony Pendleton
John Pendray
William Thomas Perkins
Solomon Clark Perrin
Emma Louisa Moulding Perry
Joel Cavalry Perry
Charles S. "Chas" Peterson
Keva Phillips
Mary Phoenix
Ellis Johnson "E.J." & Ruth Morris Pickett
Evan & Fawn Pickett
Horatio Pickett
Edward Randall Pike
John William Pike
Chester Alpheus Pinkham
Chester Webster Pinkham
Frederick Eleutherous Pinkham
Robert Pixton Sr.
Gordon Leavitt Platt
Joseph Platt
Karen Platt
Lyman D. Platt
Samuel Pollock
Samuel L. Pollock
L. A. "Blondie" Porter
Theodore Clement Poujade
John Wesley Powell
Orson Pratt
Parley P. Pratt
Antone B. Prince
Francis & Anna Prince
George Francis Prince
George Prince
Gerald W. Prince
James & Rhoda Prince
James & Sarah Prince
Marion Francis Prince
George William Prisbrey
Hyrum Smith Prisbrey
Miner Grant Prisbrey
Miner Heber Prisbrey
Reed & Doneva Prisbrey
Hannah Pugmire
Cory Pulsipher
Leonard Ernest Pulsipher
Mary Ann Pulsipher
Prudence MacNamara Pulsipher
Zerah Pulsipher
John Pymm
John P. Quillen
Thomas Henry Quillen
Bartholomew J. Quirk
Michael H. Quirk
Timothy J. Quirk
William Rafferty
Cleyon John Reber
Ernest & Jetta Reber
Johannes Reber
Johannes & Otilla Reber
Lemuel Hardison Redd
William Alexander Redd
W. Paul Reeve
Michael Regan
William Regan
Wilford J. Reichmann MD
Roy Ralph Renouf
John & Susie Rice
Silas Richards
James Robert Rickards
Walker Mason Rickards
Isaac Riddle
John Social Rolph
Miles Romney
Miles P. Romney
Napoleon Bonaparte Roundy
Alonzo Haventon Russell
William Brunk Sager
Ellis M. Sanders
Ellis M. Sanders, Jr.
Levi Mathers Savage
Levi Savage Jr.
Father Lawrence Scanlan
Don Carlos & Ramona Cannon Schmutz
Donald & Amber Timothy Schmutz
Gottlieb Schmutz
Richard A. Schmutz
Stanley M. Schmutz
Wilford & Martha Schmutz
Henry & Mary Scholzen
Jack & Thelma Scholzen
Robert L. Schuyler, Ph.D.
Isadore Schwartz
Barnard H. Seegmiller
Charles William & Marianne Forsyth Seegmiller
Daniel Seegmiller
John Stiles Shipley
Michael Shoemaker
Daniel C. Sill
Edgar R. Simpson
Dar L. Smith
George A. Smith
Hyrum W. Smith
Jedediah Smith
Kirk Smith
Susannah Smith
Susan Elzira Smithson
Bess Snow
Edward H. Snow
Elizabety L. Snow
Erastus Beaman Snow
Erastus Beaman Snow, Jr.
Erastus Snow
Franklin Richards Snow
Joseph & Olive Snow
Leo Alva Snow
George Spencer
Wells W. Spicer
Ithamer Thomas Sprague
Loren D. Squire
George Staheli
William Thomas Stanfield
Thomas & Clara Stanworth
Charles Stapley
Woodrow & Neta Stapley
Elisha Steel
Hillary Herbert Steele
John & Catherine Steele
John Bartholomew Stephens
Thomas Kent Stevens
Young Robert Stevens
Urban Jacob Stewart
William Stirling
Hosea Stout
Oliver & Fanny Stratton, Jr.
Oliver & Harriet Stratton
John Martin & Freda Lucy Reber Stucki
Rulon Stucki
Samuel Stucki Family
Wayne Rulon Stucki
Bartholomew & Anna Sturzenegger
John & Caroline Sturzenegger
Jeremiah Sullivan
Victor & Clio Sullivan
William & Mary Ann Sullivan
William & Vivian Swapp
Edwin Taggart
Hercules Godfrey Taylor
Leland & Esta Taylor
William Allen Taylor
Thomas Sirls Terry & Families
Elijah Thomas
Hyrum Clark "H. C." Thomas
Edward C. Thompson
Thomas Jefferson Thurston
Jacob Tobler
William & Mary Tobler
Jacob Mica Truman
William Madden Turnbeaugh
Julius Albro Turrill
Sarah Elzina Pulsipher Tyler
Andrew Tyson
Elbert Champlin Van Blarcom
Charles Collins van Hagan
John Benson van Hagan
John Dallas van Hagan
Vicki Van Meter
Johnson Vivian
Anton Francis Von Zamloch
John Raymond & Geraldine Ruth George Vought
Julius Wagner
Carrie Walker
Charles Lowell Walker
Enos Andrew Wall
Charles Burgess Wallace
John Richard Wallis
Anne Warren
George Washington
Daniel Clark Watson
George Watson
Leon Milne Watson
Lorenzo Dow Watson
William David Watts
George Jarvis Webb
G. Murray Webb
Loren R. Webb
William Badcock Webb
Stephen Robert Wells
Peter "Pete" Welte
Theodore "Leo" Welte
Silas Wright West
Charles & Ellen Westover
Eli Whipple
Maurine Whipple
Evan Whitehead
Adolphus Rennie Whitehead
James M. Whitmore
Joyce Wittwer Whittaker
William Oliver Wilbur, Jr.
James Gilmer Wilder
Joshua Thomas Willis
Leroy Albert Wilson
Sam Wing
Luther Winsor
Glade & Phyllis Wittwer
John & Anna Wittwer
George Henry & Emily Hastings Wood
John Nenniel & Martha Bradshaw Wood
John & Ellen Smith Wood   (John Wood, Sr.)
John & Sarah Gibson Wood   (John Wood, Jr.)
Frank J. Woodbury MD
John T. Woodbury
John T. Woodbury Jr.
John & Martha Woodbury
Orin Nelson Woodbury
Wilford Woodruff
Lyman Lafayette & Maribah Ann Bird Woods
George Woodward
Hugh M. Woodward
Moss Woolf
Simon Woolf
Edwin D. Woolley Jr.
Edwin G. Woolley [Sr.]
Charles Adelbert Workman
Jacob & Mary Workman
William Manti Workman
Charles R. Worthen
Vernon Worthen
William Wyatt
Glenn Hanks Wyler MD
Brigham Young
Joseph Watson Young


Biographies and personal/family histories
List of pioneers, 1852-1870
Mocavo.com name search engine
Partial list of marriages in Washington County, 1862-1919
Bishops of the St. George 5th and 6th Wards
Doug Liston, " Musicians of Southern Utah"
List of biographies about Washington County people
List of Daughters of Utah Pioneers Histories
List of DUP Histories of Women in Washington County
Federal census of Washington County in 1960 - Names sorted by last name
Federal census of Washington County in 1960 - Pages 139-155
Federal census of Washington County in 1960 - Pages 156-158
Migrations Project list for Washington County
Orchid Ladies of Washington County
Washington County Council of Defense (World War I)

"Pioneers of Washington County"
Book by Daughters of Utah Pioneers
Salt Lake City: Daughters of Utah Pioneers, 2002

"Saint George, Utah Original Pioneers
  December 1, 1861 - May 10, 1869, Histories & Pictures"
Book by Roberta Blake & Paul Peine
1999, Hardback, 708 Pages, 11" x 8.5" x 2"
See the information page.

"Devoted Empire Builders (Pioneers Of St. George)"
Book by A. K. Hafen
Published privately, 1969
See the information page.

Dixie State College of Utah, Oral Histories
Located in the DSC Val A. Browning Library, Archives & Special Collections
Index sorted by accession number

"Those Who Came Before - People of Southwest Utah"
Lecture by Marian Jacklin, Dixie National Forest Archeaologist
DixieToday video podcast of a D/ASIA Brown Bag Lecture given March 19, 2010
This audio recording was made by Carl Rich of http://www.dixietoday.com.