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WASHINGTON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY (Washington County, Utah)MILES ERNEST & MELBA SWAPP NELSON(xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) |
BIOGRAPHYMiles served in the U.S. Army with the 7th Armored Division, 106th Infantry in the Battle of the Bulge and waswounded by shrapnel on Christmas Day 1944. He was a Purple Heart recipient. Ray served on active duty with the United States Navy during the Vietnam War. He was disabled with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Melba's parents owned a ranch about 8 miles south of Hatch Utah, straddling the border between Garfield and Kane Counties. It was close enough to St. George that they chose to spend their winters there. They leased an upstairs apartment at the Arrowhead Hotel on Tabernacle street. Melvin Gary Nelson didn't particularly like the name Melvin. So he went by the name, Gary Nelson. FAMILY
PHOTOSWCHS photos:WCHS-03218 Photo of Miles Nelson in his military uniform WCHS-03291 Photo of Ray Swapp Nelson about 1963 WCHS-03302 Photo of a young Melvin Gary Nelson REFERENCESLetter dated November 22, 1944 from Miles Nelson to Rex & Cleo NelsonSent from a U.S. Army camp in England. V Mail dated December 16, 1944 from Miles Nelson to Rex & Cleo Nelson This was apparently sent from the Ardennes (Belgium) just 9 days before Miles was wounded at the Battle of the Bulge. Miles Nelson Audio Recording With Family Members, 3/31/1957 FamilySearch entry for Miles Ernest Nelson Find-A-Grave entry for Miles Ernest Nelson FamilySearch entry for Melba Swapp Find-A-Grave entry for Melba Swapp Nelson FamilySearch entry for Melvin Gary Nelson Obituary of Melvin Gary Nelson Find-A-Grave entry for Melvin Gary Nelson FamilySearch entry for Miles Kent Nelson Obituary of Miles Kent Nelson FamilySearch entry for Ray Swapp Nelson Obituary of Raymond Swapp Nelson |