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Horatio Pickett was born in Winter Quarters/Florence, Douglas County, Nebraska on May 10, 1848.
Harriet Josephine Johnson was born in Pottawattamie County, Iowa on July 17, 1850.
Horatio and Harriet were married in St. George on May 31,1868.
Philena Hunt was born in St. George on November 26, 1871.
Horatio operated a lumber yard, furniture business, and carpentry shop in St. George. He worked on the
Temple and Tabernacle and was the first mortician in town. He was also a lawyer, justice of the peace, and
school board member. For 30 years, Pickett directed a choir. He loved to play the fiddle.
Harriet died in St. George on December 19, 1892 and was buried in Plot A_B_29_2
of the St. George City Cemetery.
Horatio and Philena were married in St. George on August 8, 1895.
Horatio died in St. George on December 21, 1918 and was buried on December 22 in Plot A_B_30_2_WH
of the St. George City Cemetery.
Philena died in the Pickett home in St. George on July 27, 1939.
She was buried in Plot A_B_29_5
of the St. George City Cemetery.
Horatio's Parents and Siblings:
William Pickett Sr.
Susanna Mehitable Rogers Pickett
Horatio Pickett
(11/2/1816-4/2/1891) (married xx/xx/1847)
(5/10/1848-12/21/1918) (married as shown below)
Harriet's Parents and Siblings:
Joseph Ellis Johnson Sr.
Harriet Eloise Snider Johnson
Mary Julia Johnson
Eliza Antonetta Johnson
Joseph Ellis Johnson Jr.
John Ezekiel Edgar Johnson
Harriet Josephine Johnson
Joel Elmer Johnson Sr.
Diadamia Wheeler Johnson
Martha Aurelia Johnson
Blanche Alpine Johnson
Benjamin Willard Johnson
(4/28/1817-12/17/1882) (married 8/25/1840)
(9/24/1841-12/20/1928) (married Heber John Richards)
(7/17/1850-12/19/1892) (married Horatio Pickett)
(7/14/1853-6/11/1912) (married Mary Elizabeth Hastings
and Lillie Ann Phillips)
(6/22/1856-12/28/1899) (married Thomas W. Canning
aka James Harlow Carlton)
(6/28/1859-10/29/1900) (married Warren Wilford Hardy
and Joseph Weight Deck)
(3/15/1862-12/8/1940) (married George William Aikens,
William Lycurgus Akers, and Alvin Zelotus Holmes)
(12/13/1866-10/6/1939) (married Sarah May Weller)
Philena's Parents and Siblings:
Isaac Hunt
Ann Newling Hunt
William James Hunt
Martha Ann Hunt
Alma Moroni Hunt
George Holmes Hunt
Elizabeth Mary Hunt
Isaac Hunt Jr.
Julia Lucinda Hunt
Susie Matilda Hunt
Philena Hunt
(1/9/1829-12/21/1904) (married 3/27/1853)
(12/30/1854-8/9/1921) (married Anna Elese Schmutz)
(12/11/1856-3/20/1944) (married William Alanson Terry)
(10/25/1858-4/7/1920) (married Rosetta Schmutz)
(6/23/1860-4/25/1925) (married Orpha Maria Fuller)
(12/11/1864-3/22/1951) (married Almira Kelsey)
(7/1/1869-1/18/1957) (married Otis Lysander Terry)
(11/26/1871-7/27/1939) (married Horatio Pickett)
First Wife and Children:
Harriet Josephine Johnson Pickett
Horatio Pickett
Josephine Pickett
Harriet Pickett
Martha Pickett
Mary Pickett
Susanna Pickett
Leo Rogers Pickett
Blanche Pickett
Huron Pickett
Henry Pickett
Ellis Johnson "E.J." Pickett
Charles Edgerton Pickett
(7/17/1850-12/19/1892) (married 5/31/1868)
(8/19/1871-1/13/1970) (married Charles Adelbert Workman
and William Arthur Fawcett)
(9/9/1873-12/26/1964) (married Arthur Hartley Woodbury Sr.)
(1/14/1877-9/21/1964) (married Henry Wickley Gubler)
(3/11/1879-8/6/1979) (married Elizabeth Amelia Monk)
(6/19/1885-5/2/1975) (married Agnes Squire)
(12/4/1887-8/12/1971) (married Ruth Morris)
(6/5/1890-3/20/1978) (married Jayne Simpson Walkingshaw)
Second Wife and Children:
Philena Hunt Pickett
Philena Pickett
Ann Pickett
Paul Pickett
Jesse Pickett
LaVerne Pickett
Una Pickett
(11/26/1871-7/27/1939) (married 8/8/1895)
(5/22/1896-9/5/1983) (married Orson Charles Hall)
(7/3/1897-8/28/1991) (married Alvin Hall)
(8/12/1900-1/9/1970) (married Christina Reber)
(3/5/1906-8/20/1988) (married William Arthur Deswan
and William Malin Cox)

Horatio Pickett

Harriet Josephine Johnson Pickett

Philena Hunt Pickett

Horatio & Harriet Pickett Family (about 1890-1891)
(for the names of the people in the photo, click here)

Horatio Pickett Family (probably Summer 1910)
(for the names of the people in the photo, click here)
Biography of Horatio Pickett
By Douglas M. Cox, December 1993
FamilySearch entry for Horatio Pickett
Find-A-Grave entry for Horatio Pickett
FamilySearch entry for Harriet Josephine Johnson
Find-A-Grave entry for Harriet Josephine Johnson Pickett
FamilySearch entry for Philena Hunt Pickett
Find-A-Grave entry for Philena Hunt Pickett