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PAST EVENTSJump to endWednesday, 1/13/2021, 7:00 - 8:30 pm Dixie Archaeology Society (DAS) Meeting Susannah Nilsson will discuss her childhood living among the Zuni Ashiwi Pueblo in New Mexico and provide insights into that culture. She will answer questions about the possible migration of the Virgin River Anasazi to the Zuni area. She will also show Zuni handmade jewelry and pottery. In the Dunford Auditorium at Dixie State University. For a map of the campus, click here. Seating will be limited for social distancing and face masks will be required. A Zoom option is available for those not attending in person. Join at: https://dixiestate.zoom.us/j/82874906587 Meeting ID: 828 7490 6587 One tap mobile +13462487799,,82874906587# Lectures are free to the public, but you are encouraged to become a member. Dues $15 single, $30 couple. For the program announcement, click here. For additional information, see the DAS website, http://dixierockart.webs.com, the DAS Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/DixieArchaeologySociety1, or call Carol Spencer at (801)953-6572. Wednesday, 1/27/2021, 10:00 am - noon Washington County Historical Society Annual Meeting The Current Board will be approving revised Bylaws, amended Articles of Incorporation, the annual report, annual financial report, and proposed budget for 2021. There will be an election for new Board Members. All life members and paid up annual members (dues will be accepted at the meeting) are eligible to nominate candidates and to vote. Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Old County Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. Saturday, 2/13/2021, 11:00 am - Noon Washington County Historical Society Walking Tour of Historic Downtown St. George This is for history buffs of all ages! Long-time resident and prominent physician, Craig Booth, will lead a free and fun 1-hour guided walking tour around one city block of historic downtown St. George. Be prepared to learn unique pieces of history about the various historic buildings along the tour. The tour will begin and end at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. Participants are asked to wear walking shoes, a jacket for cool weather, and a mask for Covid compliance. For more information, click here, and for a St. George News article, click here. If additional information is needed, call the WCHS answering machine at (435)275-7409 and leave a message. For the script of this tour, click here. Saturday, 2/20/2021, 11:00 am Daughters of Utah Pioneers (DUP) 3rd Weekend Event Lecture: "'Re-discovered' Finds in the Museum" presented by Denise Winter. Denise will lead a guided journey of an in-depth look at some of the special treasures in the clothing collection to reveal their hidden stories. At the Daughters of Utah Pioneers (DUP) McQuarrie Memorial Museum 145 North 100 East, St. George UT 84770 This event is free and the public is invited. Masks will be required and hand sanitizing will be available. Social distance seating will be adhered. For the flyer, click here. For other information, see https://dupstgeorge.org or call the Museum at (435)628-7274. Tuesday, 2/23/2021, 7:00 - 8:30 pm Pioneer Corner Music Series Singing duo, sisters Kaitlin Sevy and Marissa Sevy Thompson Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. This concert is free and everyone is welcome. Face masks are required and all health guidelines will be followed. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. The concert can also be watched live or replayed on YouTube by clicking here. Wednesday, 2/24/2021, 10:00 am - Noon Washington County Historical Society Executive Committee Meeting Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. Thursday, 3/4/2021, 7:00-8:30 pm Washington County Historical Society Lecture Series Susannah Nilsson will speak on the "Lore of Faith and Folly", stories from the writings of celebrated local historian Juanita Brooks. Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. This lecture is free and everyone is welcome. But if you want to attend, please click here to sign up. Face masks are required and all health guidelines will be followed. To watch a replay of the lecture, click here. Saturday, 3/13/2021, 11:00 am - Noon *** POSTPONED DUE TO WEATHER *** Those who were signed up for this tour will automatically be signed up for the tour when it is rescheduled. Anyone who cannot come then will be able to cancel on SignUpGenius. Washington County Historical Society Walking Tour in Historic Downtown St. George Ancestor Square developer, Brooks Pace, will lead a walking tour of the Ancestor Square Block. For an article with more information, including how to sign up, click here The tour was actually held on 4/10/2021 Sunday, 3/14/2021, 7:00 pm Sons of Utah Pioneers Tribute Concert The live program from the University of Utah includes participants from the Tabernacle Choir, Cello artists/Piano Guys, University of Utah, Marshall Macdonald. It will be broadcast live via Zoom and later be available on YouTube. To watch it live, click here. Meeting ID: 993 4013 9312 Passcode: 744936 For the YouTube recording, TBD. For an announcement with more information, click here. Monday, 3/15/2021 Color Country Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Presentation Juanita Brooks to be honored. For more information, contact the Color Country Chapter (DAR). For a report on the meeting, click here. Thursday, 3/18/2021; 7:00 - 8:30 pm Washington City Historical Society Lecture Meeting Loren Webb, a Dixie native, teacher, author, and currently President of the Washington County Historical Society, will tell stories from his book, "Southern Utah Memories". In the recreation hall of the Washington City Museum, 25 E. Telegraph St. in Washington. This location will allow for social distancing. Wearing of face masks would be appreciated. This lecture is free and everyone is invited. For more information, contact George Staheli at (435)628-1077. Saturday, 3/20/2021, 11:00 am Daughters of Utah Pioneers (DUP) 3rd Weekend Event Lecture: Glenn Rogers, Chairman of the Shivwits Band of Paiutes, will be talking about the relationships between Pioneers and the Paiute Indian tribes in Southern Utah. At the Daughters of Utah Pioneers (DUP) McQuarrie Memorial Museum 145 North 100 East, St. George UT 84770 This event is free and the public is invited. Masks will be required and all health guidelines will be followed. For the flyer, click here. For other information, see https://dupstgeorge.org or call the Museum at (435)628-7274. Tuesday, 3/23/2021, 7:00 - 8:30 pm Pioneer Corner Music Series Dixie Jam is a New Orleans-style Dixieland Band performing well known songs along with brass arrangements of early pioneer hymns as performed by George Staheli's band, southern Utah's first band leader. Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. This concert is free and everyone is welcome. To sign-up click here Face masks are required and all health guidelines will be followed. To watch the concert via Zoom click here. The concert can also be replayed on YouTube by clicking here. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Thursday, 3/25/2021, 6:00 pm 38th Annual Juanita Brooks Lecture (Virtual) Dr. Laurel Thatcher Ulrich who is well known for her famous quote "Well behaved women seldom make history." She will be presenting "Juanita Brooks, Caroline Crosby, and the Murder of Oliva Coombs" in which she will explore the long forgotten murder of Olivia Coombs in Cedar City in 1862 and the pardon of her admitted killer, George Wood, three years after he pled guilty and was sentenced to life in prison. For the flyer, click here. To watch the program, click here and for the printed program click here. Wednesday, 3/31/2021, 10:00 am - Noon Washington County Historical Society Executive Committee Meeting Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. Thursday, 4/1/2021, 7:00-8:30 pm Washington County Historical Society Lecture Series Doug Alder, former president of Dixie College, will speak on "How the LDS Tabernacle Made St. George a Regional Capital". Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. This lecture is free and everyone is welcome. Masks are required and all health guidelines will be followed. This lecture will also be broadcast live via Zoom. To watch it, click here. Meeting ID: 862 9246 9189, Passcode: 402830 For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Saturday, 4/10/2021, 11:00 am Washington County Historical Society Walking Tour of the Historic Green Gate Village block St. George For information about this event, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. For the script of this tour, click here. Saturday, 4/10/2021, 11:00 am Washington County Historical Society Walking Tour of the Ancestor Square block St. George This walking tour was postponed from 3/13/2021. For information about this event, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. For the script of this tour, click here. Thursday, 4/15/2021; 7:00 - 8:30 pm Washington City Historical Society Lecture Meeting Long time educator and resident of Washington City, Robert Everett, will talk about the Honeymoon Trail. He will discuss the difficult travel of young couples from the Arizona Territory through Kane County to St. George to get married in the St. George Temple. There will be refreshments after the meeting and Robert Snow Everett will be available to visit with. At the historic Washington Relief Society House 100 W. Telegraph St., Washington, UT 84780 This lecture is free and everyone is invited. For more information, contact George Staheli at (435)628-1077. Thursday, 4/15/2021; 6:30 - 10:00 pm 1940's USO Style Hangar Dance at the Warbird Museum Dance lessons prior to the dance. At the Western Sky Aviation Warbird Museum 4196 South Airport Parkway, St. George UT 84790 WWII Veterans are free; Others $20 in advance or $25 at the door. For the flyer, click here. For more information, call (435)669-0655. Saturday, 4/17/2021, 11:00 am - 12:30 pm Daughters of Utah Pioneers (DUP) 3rd Weekend Event Lecture: Reuben Wadsworth will be sharing stories about local ghost towns. At the Daughters of Utah Pioneers (DUP) McQuarrie Memorial Museum 145 North 100 East, St. George UT 84770 This event is free and the public is invited. Masks will be required and all health guidelines will be followed. For the flyer, click here. For other information, see https://dupstgeorge.org or call the Museum at (435)628-7274. Saturday, 4/24/2021, 1:00 - 7:30 pm Sons of Utah Pioneers 2021 National Historic Symposium in Salt Lake City Celetrating 125 Years of Utah Statehood The view the afternoon session (starting at 1:00 pm) on YouTube, click here. The view the dinner keynote address (starting at 6:45 pm) on YouTube, click here. For other information, click here. Tuesday, 4/27/2021, 7:00 - 8:30 pm Pioneer Corner Music Series The Zion Horn Ensemble, based in St George, has been performing for 3 years. Before coming to Utah, some players in the group held positions as principal horn with the Pittsburgh Opera, Cheyenne Symphony, the St. Gallen Orchestra of Switzerland, and the Fort Collins Colorado Symphony. Members of the group currently belong to the Southwest Symphony, the Tuacahn Center for the Arts Orchestra, and serve as faculty at Dixie State University and Southern Utah University. Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. This concert is free and everyone is welcome. Face masks are required and all health guidelines will be followed. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. The concert can be replayed on YouTube by clicking here. Wednesday, 4/28/2021, 10:00 am - Noon Washington County Historical Society Executive Committee Meeting Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. Saturday, 5/1/2021, 9:30 am Washington County Historical Society Walking Tour of Santa Clara Historic Sites Avoid the closures and confusion of the Ironman by participating in a short walking tour of the Santa Clara Historic District led by Susie Nilsson. See the flyer for details. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Sunday, 5/2/2020, 6:00 - 7:30 pm Washington City Historical Society History Cotton Days Fireside Part of Washington City Cotton Days. Long time resident and historian George Staheli will be the speaker and his lecture will be on the "Cotton Mission" of southern Utah. The program will be recorded. Afterwards there will be refreshments served and George will be available for visiting. In the gymnasium at the Washington City Museum (the Old School), 25 E. Telegraph Road in Washington. For a map, click here. Free. Everyone is welcome to attend. Casual dress. Thursday, 5/6/2021, 7:00-8:30 pm Washington County Historical Society Lecture Series Local retired educator, author, and journalist, Loren R. Webb, the author of "Southern Utah Memories" which chronicles the history, events and people who influenced the development of Southern Utah communities, will touch on some of the 81 stories contained in his book. Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. This lecture is free and everyone is welcome. Masks will be optional. For the flyer, click here. Sign-in to attend by clicking here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Saturday, 5/8/2021, 10:00 - 11:00 am Washington County Historical Society Walking Tour of the Historic Town Square block in St. George This tour will be led in two groups by Dan McArthur and Jim McArthur. For an article about this tour, click here, and to sign up, click here. For the script of this tour, click here. Thursday-Saturday, 5/13-15/2021; 9:00 - 6:00 pm 2021 Armed Forces Celebration at the Warbird Museum Not an airshow, but lots of displays and activities. At the Western Sky Aviation Warbird Museum 4196 South Airport Parkway, St. George UT 84790 $6.00 per adult; 17 and under free. For the flyer, click here. For more information, call (435)669-0655 or see their Facebook page. Saturday, 5/15/2021, 11:00 am - 12:30 pm Daughters of Utah Pioneers (DUP) 3rd Weekend Event Lecture: Glenn Cooper, aka "Tombstone Coop", will talk about the "Cowboy Outfit" and why they wore different and unique items. At the Daughters of Utah Pioneers (DUP) McQuarrie Memorial Museum 145 North 100 East, St. George UT 84770 This event is free and the public is invited. Masks will not be required but social distancing guidelines will be followed. For the flyer, click here. For other information, see https://dupstgeorge.org or call the Museum at (435)628-7274. Saturday, 5/15/2021; 6:30 - 10:00 pm 1940's USO Style Hangar Dance at the Warbird Museum Dance lessons prior to the dance. At the Western Sky Aviation Warbird Museum 4196 South Airport Parkway, St. George UT 84790 WWII Veterans are free; Others $20 in advance or $25 at the door. For the flyer, click here. For more information, call (435)669-0655 or see their Facebook page. Tuesday, 5/18/2021, 7:00-8:30 pm Washington County Historical Society Lecture Series Kathleen Broeder, DSU Special Collections & Archivist, will be speaking about her new book, Images of America - St. George. Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. This lecture is free and everyone is welcome. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Friday, 5/21/2021, 7:00 - 8:30 pm Zion Native-style Flute Circle Performance Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. This concert is free and everyone is welcome. For an announcement, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Saturday, 5/22/2021, 10:00 am Silver Reef Museum 4th Saturday Cosmopolitan Event Lecture: "Fire Wise - Living with Fire" by Cris Madrigal Cris, a wildland fire fighter and expert fom the Dixie National Forest, will present details of the fire in the mining town of Silver Reef, and will provide information on how to protect your property. For the announcement, click here. To register for this event, click here. For the announcement, click here. For more information, contact the Museum at Museum@SilverReef.org, or call the Museum at (435)879-2254. Tuesday, 5/25/2021, 7:00 - 8:30 pm Pioneer Courthouse Music Series Santa Clara Friends Musical Program. Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. This concert is free and everyone is welcome. Face masks are required and all health guidelines will be followed. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. The concert can also be watched live on YouTube by TBD. It will remain online after the actual concert if you want to replay it. Wednesday, 5/26/2021, 10:00 am - Noon Washington County Historical Society Executive Committee Meeting Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. Thursday/Friday/Saturday, 6/3/2021 to 8/28/2021, 10:00 am - 12:00 Noon Historic St. George LIVE! Tours For more information, click here. Thursday, 6/10/2021, 7:00-8:30 pm Pioneer Courthouse Lecture Series Reuben Wadsworth will be speaking about his two books Red Rock Recollections, Volumes 1 & 2. Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. This lecture is free and everyone is welcome. Masks will be optional. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Tuesday, 6/15/2021, 7:00 - 8:00 pm Art Conversation at the St. George Art Museum James Swensen from BYU will speak on the museum's current photography exhibit by Dorothea Lange and Ansel Adams, Three Mormon Towns. At the St. George Art Museum, 47 East 200 North in St. George. This event is free and everyone is welcome. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, call the St. George Art Museum at (435)627-4525. Tuesday, 6/22/2021, 7:00 - 8:30 pm Pioneer Courthouse Music Series Wooden Tantrum Musical Program, a Celtic family band. Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. This concert is free and everyone is welcome. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Saturday, 6/26/2021, 10:00-10:15 am and Noon-12:15 pm Lawmen & Muddy River Gang Shootout at the Pioneer Courthouse 15-minute enactment. At the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Wednesday, 6/30/2021, 10:00 am - Noon Washington County Historical Society Executive Committee Meeting Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. Thursday-Saturday, 7/1-3/2021, 8:00 pm 75th Annual Gunlock Rodeo At the Gunlock Rodeo Arena, 77 North Main Street in Gunlock See the Gunlock Rodeo history webpage and for current information, the Gunlock Rodeo facebook group. Thursday-Monday, 7/1-5/2021 10th Annual Arts to Zion Tour This is a self-guided tour of artists studios, art galleries, and museums. There will also be concerts by Desert Pulse LIVE on July 3, 4, and 5. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, see https://artstozion.org/studiotour. Wednesday, 7/14/2021, 7:00 - 8:00 pm Lecture: Highlights of Hometown Heroes, Erastus Snow, Daniel D. McArthur, and Robert Gardner shared by descendants Steven Erastus Snow (great-great-grandson), Daniel McArthur (great-grandson), and Larry Gardner (great-great-grandson). At the historic St. George Tabernacle, 18 S. Main Street, St. George This program is free, dress is casual, and everyone is invited. Doors open an hour before the event. An elevator and access for those with disabilities are available at the Tabernacle west entrance. For more information, call the Tabernacle at (435)628-4072. Saturday, 7/24/2021, 1:00-2:30 pm Pioneer Courthouse Lecture Series Pioneer Day Remembrance by Jeanine Vander Bruggen. Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. This lecture is free and everyone is welcome. Masks will be optional. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Tuesday, 7/24/2021, 7:00-8:00 pm Zion Youth Symphony at the old Pioneer Courthouse Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. This concert is free and everyone is welcome. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Wednesday, 7/28/2021, 10:00 am - Noon Washington County Historical Society Executive Committee Meeting Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. Thursday, 8/5/2021, 7:00-8:30 pm Pioneer Courthouse Lecture Series Sandstone Quarry Pathway by David Peterson. Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. This lecture is free and everyone is welcome. Masks will be optional. For the flyer, click here. Also see The Sandstone Quarry Trail and The Sandstone Quarry. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Saturday, 8/21/2021, 10:00-10:15 am and Noon-12:15 pm Lawmen & Muddy River Gang Shootout at the Pioneer Courthouse 15-minute enactment. At the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Tuesday, 8/24/2021, 7:00 - 8:30 pm Pioneer Courthouse Music Series Program TBD. Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. This concert is free and everyone is welcome. For information, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Wednesday, 8/25/2021, 10:00 am - Noon Washington County Historical Society Executive Committee Meeting Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. Saturday, 8/28/2021, 10:00 am Silver Reef Museum 4th Saturday Cosmopolitan Event Lecture: "Geological Hazards in and Around St. George" by Rick Miller, PhD For the flyer, click here. For more information, contact the Museum at Museum@SilverReef.org, or call the Museum at (435)879-2254. Saturday, 8/28/2021 Enterprise Corn Festival Thursday, 9/2/2021, 7:00-8:30 pm Washington County Historical Society Lecture Series "Script and Commerce" by Jim McArthur. Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. This lecture is free and everyone is welcome. Masks will be optional. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Saturday, 9/4/2021, 6:25 am Ranger Reub Hurricane Canal Hikes Meet at the statue in the middle of the Hurricane Valley Heritage Park southwest corner of State and Main in Hurricane, Utah. For the announcement, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail reubenwadsworth@gmail.com or call (435)531-3315. Friday-Saturday, 9/10-11/2021 Ivins Heritage Days For the flyer, click here. Saturday, 9/11/2021, 9:00 am Washington County Historical Society Field Trip Field Trip to LaVerkin including the Hurricane Canal Monument, Power Plant, Old Dairy, and Hurricane Valley Museum. Meet at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. This event is free and everyone is welcome. Please sign up by clicking here to provide an accurate count of those attending. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Monday-Thursday, 9/13-16/2021, 11:00 am - 3:00 pm Ironman; Events at the old Pioneer Courthouse At the old Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. These events are free and everyone is welcome. Masks will be optional. For the flyers, click here and click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Tuesday, 9/14/2021, 11:30 am - Noon Presentation of a DAR Historic Preservation Recognition Award to the WCHS at a meeting of the Color Country Chapter NSDAR At the old Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. For the flyer, click here and for the award information click here. Thursday, 9/16/202021; 7:00 - 8:30 pm Washington City Historical Society Lecture Meeting Progam: George Staheli, local historian and educator will be speaking on the arrival and early beginnings of the Washington City area. His topics will be taken from the book "The Red Hills of November," by Andrew Karl Larson Chapters 1 and 2. Historic Washington Relief Society House 100 W. Telegraph St., Washington, UT 84780 This lecture is free and everyone is invited. The program will also be available via Zoom. For the flyer, click here. For more information or the Zoom link, contact Mike Harless at mikealwchs@yahoo.com. Thursday-Saturday, 9/16-18/2021 Sons of Utah Pioneers - National Encampment in Rexburg ID For information, click here. Friday, 9/17/2021, 1:30 - 2:00 pm Constitution Day Program at the Pioneer Courthouse At the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. This event is free and everyone is welcome. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Saturday, 9/18/2021, 10:00 am - 11:30 pm Daughters of Utah Pioneers (DUP) 3rd Weekend Event Lecture: Women's Suffrage and the Kanab "All Women" City Council At the Daughters of Utah Pioneers (DUP) McQuarrie Memorial Museum 145 North 100 East, St. George UT 84770 This event is free and the public is invited. For the flyer, click here. For other information, see https://dupstgeorge.org or call the Museum at (435)628-7274. Saturday, 9/25/2021, 10:00 am Silver Reef Museum 4th Saturday Cosmopolitan Event Lecture: "Ditchriders & Homesteaders!" by Reuben Wadsworth If you want to find out lesser-known aspects of the history of Utah's Dixie, Reuben will talk about the Hurricane Canal ditch riders as well as homesteaders on Smith Mesa. For the flyer, click here and for an additional notice, click here. If more information is needed, contact the Museum at Museum@SilverReef.org or call (435)879-2254. Tuesday, 9/28/2021, 7:00 - 8:30 pm *** POSTPONED TO OCTOBER 26 *** Pioneer Courthouse Music Series Get ready for Oktoberfest time! Come listen to the George Staheli Memorial Oompah Band. Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. This concert is free and everyone is welcome. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail the museum at pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Wednesday, 9/29/2021, 10:00 am - Noon Washington County Historical Society Executive Committee Meeting Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. Thursday, 9/30/2021, 6:00 - 8:00 pm Washington County Historical Society Fund Raiser Dutch oven dinner at the Hela Seegmiller Historic Farm, 2592 South 300 East in St. George Tickets are $15 per person. click here to purchase tickets. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Thursday, 10/7/2021, 7:00-8:30 pm Washington County Historical Society Lecture Series "Anasazi Trail Petroglyphs - An Interpretation" by Patricia Kent. Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. This lecture is free and everyone is welcome. Masks will be optional. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Saturday, 10/16/2021, 10:00-10:15 am and Noon-12:15 pm Lawmen & Muddy River Gang Shootout at the Pioneer Courthouse 15-minute enactment. At the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Saturday, 10/16/2021, 10:00 am - 11:30 pm Daughters of Utah Pioneers (DUP) 3rd Weekend Event Lecture: Antique Methods of Woodworking with Colin Smith At the Daughters of Utah Pioneers (DUP) McQuarrie Memorial Museum 145 North 100 East, St. George UT 84770 This event is free and the public is invited. For the flyer, click here and for a newspaper article, click here. For other information, see https://dupstgeorge.org or call the Museum at (435)628-7274. Friday-Saturday, 10/22-23/2021 Silver Reef Ghost Nights Celebrate Halloween with a trip back in time to the 1870's with the entertaining ghosts from Silver Reef's colorful past! For the flyer, click here For more information, contact the Museum at Museum@SilverReef.org, or call the Museum at (435)879-2254. Saturday, 10/23/2021, 9:00 am *** CANCELED *** Washington County Historical Society Field Trip Field Trip to Springdale. Meet at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. This event is free and everyone is welcome. For information, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Tuesday, 10/26/2021, 7:00 - 8:30 pm Pioneer Courthouse Music Series Come listen to the George Staheli Memorial Oompah Band. Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. This concert is free and everyone is welcome. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Wednesday, 10/27/2021, 10:00 am - Noon Washington County Historical Society Executive Committee Meeting Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. Thursday, 11/4/2021, 7:00-8:30 pm Washington County Historical Society Lecture Series "Murder on the Mojave" by Allison McCord. Learn more about the life and tragedies of Frank & Olive Foss Woolley. Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. This lecture is free and everyone is welcome. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Tuesday, 11/16/2021, 7:00 - 8:30 pm Pioneer Courthouse Music Series TBD Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. This concert is free and everyone is welcome. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Saturday, 11/20/2021, 10:00-10:15 am and Noon-12:15 pm Lawmen & Muddy River Gang Shootout at the Pioneer Courthouse 15-minute enactment. At the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Saturday, 11/20/2021, 10:00 am - 11:30 pm Daughters of Utah Pioneers (DUP) 3rd Weekend Event Lecture: Antique Dentistry with James Ence, DDS At the Daughters of Utah Pioneers (DUP) McQuarrie Memorial Museum 145 North 100 East, St. George UT 84770 This event is free and the public is invited. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, see https://dupstgeorge.org or call the Museum at (435)628-7274. Wednesday, 12/1/2021, 10:00 am - Noon *** Not the last Wednesday of November *** Washington County Historical Society Executive Committee Meeting Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. Thursday, 12/2/2021, 7:00-8:30 pm Washington County Historical Society Lecture Series "Dixie Christmas" by Lyman Hafen. Learn more about the life and tragedies of Frank & Olive Foss Woolley. Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. This lecture is free and everyone is welcome. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Tuesday, 12/14/2021, 7:00 - 8:30 pm *** Postponed to 1/25/2022 *** Pioneer Courthouse Music Series Youth groups from the Cedar Band and the Shivwits Band of Paiutes will share their talents. Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. This concert is free and everyone is welcome. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Wednesday, 12/15/2021, 10:00 am, 11:00 am, 1:00pm, and 2:00 pm Historic St. George Walking Tours: 10:00 am: Pioneer Corner Tour 11:00 am: Ancestor Square Tour 1:00 pm: Town Square Tour 2:00 pm: Green Gate Village Tour All tours start from the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. These tours are free, but preregistration is required. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Saturday, 12/18/2021, 10:15 am - 11:30 pm Daughters of Utah Pioneers (DUP) 3rd Weekend Event Lecture: Pioneer Toys with Dixie Miller At the Daughters of Utah Pioneers (DUP) McQuarrie Memorial Museum 145 North 100 East, St. George UT 84770 This event is free and the public is invited. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, see https://dupstgeorge.org or call the Museum at (435)628-7274. Saturday, 12/18/2021, 10:00-10:15 am and Noon-12:15 pm Lawmen & Muddy River Gang Shootout at the Pioneer Courthouse 15-minute enactment. At the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Saturday, 7/16/2022, 10:00-10:15 am and 11:00-11:15 am Lawmen & Muddy River Gang Shootout at the Pioneer Courthouse Free 15-minute enactment. At the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Saturday, 7/23/2022, 10:00 am Silver Reef Museum 4th Saturday Cosmopolitan Event Pine Valley's Projects & People. See the flyer for details For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, contact the Museum at Museum@SilverReef.org or call (435)879-2254. |