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PAST EVENTSJump to endMonday, 1/9/2023, Noon - 1:00 pm Legacy Lecture Series Ron Thompson, former Washington County Water Conservancy District Manager Ron will speak on our ongoing water issues and challenges. In the basement of the St. George Tabernacle 18 S. Main Street, St. George UT 84770 This event is free and the public is invited. For the announcement, click here. If more information is needed, call Marilyn Lamoreaux at (435)705-0605. Saturday, 1/21/2023, 10:00 am Daughters of Utah Pioneers (DUP) 3rd Weekend Event "Sad Irons, Flat Irons, & History of Ironing" by Dixie Miller At the Daughters of Utah Pioneers (DUP) McQuarrie Memorial Museum 145 North 100 East, St. George UT 84770 This event is free and the public is invited. For the flyer, click here. For a newspaper clipping, click here. If more information is needed, see https://dupstgeorge.org or call the Museum at (435)628-7274. Wednesday, 1/25/2023, 10:00 am - noon *** ADJOURNED *** Washington County Historical Society Annual Meeting of Members There will be an election for new Board Members. All life members and paid up annual members (dues will be accepted at the meeting) are eligible to nominate candidates and to vote. Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. Thursday, 2/2/2023, 7:00-8:30 pm Pioneer Courthouse Lecture Series "Utah's Vintage Signs" by author Lisa Michele Church. Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. This lecture is free and everyone is welcome. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Monday, 2/6/2023, Noon - 1:00 pm Legacy Lecture Series Steve Studdert, former White House advisor to three U.S. presidents. Steve will be speaking about his diplomatic experiences then and now. In the basement of the St. George Tabernacle 18 S. Main Street, St. George UT 84770 This event is free and the public is invited. For the announcement, click here. If more information is needed, call Marilyn Lamoreaux at (435)705-0605. Saturday, 2/18/2023, 9:00 am Washington County Historical Society Field Trip to Gunlock/Shem Meet at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George at 9:00 am. We will caravan, arriving at the south side of the Gunlock Rodeo Grounds at 10:00 am. This event is free and everyone is welcome. For the the event handout, click here. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, call Sidney at (435)703-1934. Saturday, 2/18/2023, 10:00 am Daughters of Utah Pioneers (DUP) 3rd Weekend Event "Pioneer Clocks" by Michael Rennert At the Daughters of Utah Pioneers (DUP) McQuarrie Memorial Museum 145 North 100 East, St. George UT 84770 This event is free and the public is invited. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, see https://dupstgeorge.org or call the Museum at (435)628-7274. Wednesday, 2/22/2023, 10:00 am - noon *** CANCELED *** Washington County Historical Society Executive Committee Meeting Anyone is welcome to attend Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. Saturday, 2/25/2023, 10:00 am Silver Reef Museum 4th Saturday Cosmopolitan Event "Night Photography and the Milky Way" by Alex Chamberlain. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, contact the Museum at Museum@SilverReef.org or call (435)879-2254. Thursday, 3/2/2023, 7:00-8:30 pm Pioneer Courthouse Lecture Series Taste & Tales" by Susannah Nilsson. Susannah Nilsson is excited to share with you a fun evening learning about some iconic foods popular in Southern Utah when many of us were growing up. What are they? Come find out. She will not only teach us a bit about the foods but will give us a taste. Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. This lecture is free and everyone is welcome. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Thursday-Saturday, 3/2-4/2023 RootsTech by FamilySearch The world's largest family history discovery and learning event is held at the Salt Palace Convention Center in Salt Lake City, but you can register for free for the virtual event. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, go to https://www.familysearch.org/rootstech. Monday, 3/6/2023, Noon - 1:00 pm Legacy Lecture Series Dr. F. Ross Peterson, USU Professor or African American Studies, will speak on "Religion, Baseball, and Civil Rights: The Evolution of Passion". In the basement of the St. George Tabernacle 18 S. Main Street, St. George UT 84770 This event is free and the public is invited. For the announcement, click here. If more information is needed, call Marilyn Lamoreaux at (435)705-0605. Saturday, 3/18/2023, 10:00 am Daughters of Utah Pioneers (DUP) 3rd Weekend Event "Pioneer Dress" by Denise Winter At the Daughters of Utah Pioneers (DUP) McQuarrie Memorial Museum 145 North 100 East, St. George UT 84770 This event is free and the public is invited. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, see https://dupstgeorge.org or call the Museum at (435)628-7274. Thursday-Saturday, 3/23-25/2023 Juanita Brooks Utah History Conference This is a conference organized to honor Juanita Brooks. It will feature an incredible line-up of scholars. The entire conference is free and open to the public! For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, contact Cristina Rosetti at (435)652-7807 or cristina.rosetti@utahtech.edu. Saturday, 3/25/2023, 9:00 am Washington County Historical Society Field Trip to Virgin / Duncan's Retreat Meet at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George at 9:00 am. We will caravan, arriving at the Old Virgin Post Office, 2 E. State Route 9, at 10:00 am. This event is free and everyone is welcome. For the event handout, click here. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, call Sidney at (435)703-1934. Wednesday, 3/29/2023, 10:00 am - noon *** CANCELED *** Washington County Historical Society Executive Committee Meeting Anyone is welcome to attend Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. Monday, 4/3/2023, Noon - 1:00 pm Legacy Lecture Series Merrill Osmond, lead singer of the world famous Osmond family, will speak on "A Walk Down Memory Lane". In the basement of the St. George Tabernacle 18 S. Main Street, St. George UT 84770 This event is free and the public is invited. For the announcement, click here. If more information is needed, call Marilyn Lamoreaux at (435)705-0605. Thursday, 4/6/2023, 7:00-8:30 pm Pioneer Courthouse Lecture Series Santa Clara Reserve Petroglyphs, A Mulitmedia Presentation by Gary Smith. Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. This lecture is free and everyone is welcome. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Friday-Saturday, 4/14-22/2023 Washington County Fair in Hurricane For information, see the Fair website at https://washcofair.net. Saturday, 4/15/2023, 10:00 am Daughters of Utah Pioneers (DUP) 3rd Weekend Event "Zion Flute Circle" by Zion Flute Circle, John Mangels At the Daughters of Utah Pioneers (DUP) McQuarrie Memorial Museum 145 North 100 East, St. George UT 84770 This event is free and the public is invited. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, see https://dupstgeorge.org or call the Museum at (435)628-7274. Saturday, 4/22/2023, 9:00 am Washington County Historical Society Field Trip to Grafton Meet at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George at 9:00 am. We will caravan, arriving at the Grafton School House at 10:00 am. This event is free and everyone is welcome. For the the event handout, click here. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, call Sidney at (435)703-1934. Saturday, 4/22/2023, 10:00 am Silver Reef Museum Cosmopolitan Event "Mark Twain Becomes a Westerner" by Doug Bowen. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, contact the Museum at Museum@SilverReef.org or call (435)879-2254. Wednesday, 4/26/2023, 10:00 am - noon *** CANCELED *** Washington County Historical Society Executive Committee Meeting Anyone is welcome to attend Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. Monday-Sunday, 4/24-30/2023 Cotton Days in Washington City For information, see the Cotton Days website at https://washingtoncity.org/community/celebrations/cottondays. Saturday, 4/29/2023, 1:00-2:30 pm and 2:30-4:00 pm Silver Reef Museum Cosmopolitan Event Chinese Cultural Activities at Silver Reef For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, contact the Museum at Museum@SilverReef.org or call (435)879-2254. Monday, 5/1/2023, Noon - 1:00 pm Legacy Lecture Series Dr. John A. Peterson will talk about "Brigham's Bastion: Winsor Castle at Pipe Springs and the Strategies that Avoided what Nearly Became America's Second Civil War". In the basement of the St. George Tabernacle 18 S. Main Street, St. George UT 84770 This event is free and the public is invited. For the announcement, click here. If more information is needed, call Marilyn Lamoreaux at (435)705-0605. Thursday, 5/4/2023, 7:00-8:30 pm Pioneer Courthouse Lecture Series Program TBA. Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. This lecture is free and everyone is welcome. Wednesday, 5/10/2023, 10:00 am and 11:00 am to ??:?? Washington County Historical Society Special Meeting for Members 10:00-11:00: Come to sign up as a member. Annual membership is $25 per person. 11:00-??:??: During this meeting, lifetime, 2022, and 2023 members will vote to fill vacancies on the WCHS Board of Directors. Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. Thursday, 5/11/2023, 7:00-8:30 pm Pioneer Courthouse Lecture Series The Incomparable Work of Annette Everett. Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. This lecture is free and everyone is welcome. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Saturday, 5/20/2023, 10:00 am Daughters of Utah Pioneers (DUP) 3rd Weekend Event "Seed to Shawl" by Linda Murie & Janet Smith A demonstration by two very talented ladies about the production of cotton textiles. Demonstrating weaving and spinning techniques. At the Daughters of Utah Pioneers (DUP) McQuarrie Memorial Museum 145 North 100 East, St. George UT 84770 This event is free and the public is invited. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, see https://dupstgeorge.org or call the Museum at (435)628-7274. Saturday, 5/20/2023, 6:00 pm 10th Annual 1940s Hangar Dance at the Warbird Museum Western Sky Aviation Warbird Museum 4196 S. Airport Parkway, St. George This public is invited. Tickets are $20; $25 on the day of the dance. For the news release, click here. If more information is needed, see http://www.westernskywarbirds.org. Saturday, 5/27/2023, 9:00 am Washington County Historical Society Field Trip to Santa Clara The subject will be Dr. Edward Palmer's 1875 excavation of an Indian mound on the Santa Clara River and related events. Meet at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George at 9:00 am. We will then drive over and meet outside the Santa Clara Town Hall, 2603 Santa Clara Dr., by 9:30 am. This event is free and everyone is welcome. For the the event handout, click here. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, call Sidney at (435)703-1934. Wednesday, 5/31/2023, 10:00 am - noon Washington County Historical Society Board Meeting in place of the normal Executive Committee Meeting Anyone is welcome to attend Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. For the agenda, click here. Thursday, 6/1/2023, 7:00-8:30 pm Pioneer Courthouse Lecture Series "King Tut" by archaeloogist Diana Hawks It has been over 100 years since the discovery of King Tut's tomb. Come hear the fascinating story of its discovery and excavation. Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. This lecture is free and everyone is welcome. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Friday & Saturday, 6/2&3/2023, 10:00 am - Noon Historic St. George Live Tour Meet Dixie's famous pioneers as they come alive and describe living here at the turn of the century; entertaining and educational for everyone. Meet at the St. George Art Museum, 47 East 200 North in St. George. There is a small charge and everyone is welcome. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, call St. George Community Arts at (435)627-4525. Friday & Saturday, 6/9&10/2023, 10:00 am - Noon Historic St. George Live Tour Meet Dixie's famous pioneers as they come alive and describe living here at the turn of the century; entertaining and educational for everyone. Meet at the St. George Art Museum, 47 East 200 North in St. George. There is a small charge and everyone is welcome. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, call St. George Community Arts at (435)627-4525. Friday & Saturday, 6/16&17/2023, 10:00 am - Noon Historic St. George Live Tour Meet Dixie's famous pioneers as they come alive and describe living here at the turn of the century; entertaining and educational for everyone. Meet at the St. George Art Museum, 47 East 200 North in St. George. There is a small charge and everyone is welcome. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, call St. George Community Arts at (435)627-4525. Tuesday, 6/20/2023, 6:00 - 7:00 pm "Southern Utah Archaeology" at the St. George Library Archaeologist Diana Hawks will talk about the rich and fascinating Native American history and archaeology in the Southern Utah. This will be a great presentation to learn about this region's ancient inhabitants, including the places they lived, the food they ate, and historically important changes. Free and all are welcome to attend. Downstairs in Community Room A at the St. George Library, 88 West 100 South, St George UT 84770 For more information, contact Trevor M. Cox at trevor.cox@washco.lib.ut.us. Friday & Saturday, 6/23&24/2023, 10:00 am - Noon Historic St. George Live Tour Meet Dixie's famous pioneers as they come alive and describe living here at the turn of the century; entertaining and educational for everyone. Meet at the St. George Art Museum, 47 East 200 North in St. George. There is a small charge and everyone is welcome. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, call St. George Community Arts at (435)627-4525. Saturday, 6/24/2023, 9:00 am Washington County Historical Society Field Trip to Silver Reef There we will learn about the Chinese who lived and worked in Silver Reef during its hayday. Dr. Chris Merritt, Utah State Historic Preservation officer will give a lecture regarding the Chinese History Exhibit at Silver Reef. Meet at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George at 9:00 am. We will then drive up to the Cosmopolitan Restaurant in Silver Reef, meeting there at by 9:50 am. This event is free and everyone is welcome. For the the event handout, click here. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, call Sidney at (435)703-1934. Saturday, 6/24/2023, 10:00 am Silver Reef Museum Cosmopolitan Event "Chinese in the American West" by Dr. Chris Merritt. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, contact the Museum at Museum@SilverReef.org or call (435)879-2254. Wednesday, 6/28/2023, 10:00 am - noon Washington County Historical Society Executive Committee Meeting Anyone is welcome to attend Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. Friday & Saturday, 6/30/2023 & 7/1/2023, 10:00 am - Noon Historic St. George Live Tour Meet Dixie's famous pioneers as they come alive and describe living here at the turn of the century; entertaining and educational for everyone. Meet at the St. George Art Museum, 47 East 200 North in St. George. There is a small charge and everyone is welcome. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, call St. George Community Arts at (435)627-4525. Friday-Sunday, 6/30/2023-7/2/2023 Abraham and Ella Bundy Family Reunion on Mt. Trumbull, Arizona Strip. For information, click here. Friday & Saturday, 7/7&8/2023, 10:00 am - Noon Historic St. George Live Tour Meet Dixie's famous pioneers as they come alive and describe living here at the turn of the century; entertaining and educational for everyone. Meet at the St. George Art Museum, 47 East 200 North in St. George. There is a small charge and everyone is welcome. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, call St. George Community Arts at (435)627-4525. Friday & Saturday, 7/14&15/2023, 10:00 am - Noon Historic St. George Live Tour Meet Dixie's famous pioneers as they come alive and describe living here at the turn of the century; entertaining and educational for everyone. Meet at the St. George Art Museum, 47 East 200 North in St. George. There is a small charge and everyone is welcome. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, call St. George Community Arts at (435)627-4525. Saturday, 7/15/2023, 9:00 am Washington County Historical Society Field Trip to Hamblin, Pinto, and Page Ranch Meet at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George at 9:00 am. We will then caravan up to Hamblin, Pinto, and Page Ranch. This event is free and everyone is welcome. For the the event handout, click here. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, call Sidney at (435)703-1934. Friday & Saturday, 7/21&22/2023, 10:00 am - Noon Historic St. George Live Tour Meet Dixie's famous pioneers as they come alive and describe living here at the turn of the century; entertaining and educational for everyone. Meet at the St. George Art Museum, 47 East 200 North in St. George. There is a small charge and everyone is welcome. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, call St. George Community Arts at (435)627-4525. Saturday, 7/22/2023, 10:00 am Silver Reef Museum Cosmopolitan Event "Plants of Pine Valley Mountain" by Dr. Del Smith. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, contact the Museum at Museum@SilverReef.org or call (435)879-2254. Monday, 7/24/2023 Washington City Pioneer Day Celebration Come enjoy Pioneer Day on July 24th. There will be a fun-filled celebration! The Lions Club will be serving breakfast at 7 AM. There will be a parade down Telegraph at 8 AM, and afterward, go enjoy the children's booths in Veterans Park. When the park fun has ended head over to the Washington City Community Center and spend the rest of the day swimming, having fun, and when the sun goes down enjoy a fireworks display that evening at 10PM. To join the parade click here to register. Everyone is invited and welcome. For the more information, click here for the Washington City website and click here for their Facebook page. Wednesday, 7/26/2023, 10:00 am - noon Washington County Historical Society Executive Committee Meeting Anyone with an interest is welcome to attend. Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. Friday & Saturday, 7/28&29/2023, 10:00 am - Noon Historic St. George Live Tour Meet Dixie's famous pioneers as they come alive and describe living here at the turn of the century; entertaining and educational for everyone. Meet at the St. George Art Museum, 47 East 200 North in St. George. There is a small charge and everyone is welcome. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, call St. George Community Arts at (435)627-4525. Thursday, 8/3/2023, 7:00-8:30 pm Pioneer Courthouse Lecture Series Reuben Wadsworth will speak on the Hurricane Canal. Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. This lecture is free and everyone is welcome. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Friday & Saturday, 8/4&5/2023, 10:00 am - Noon Historic St. George Live Tour Meet Dixie's famous pioneers as they come alive and describe living here at the turn of the century; entertaining and educational for everyone. Meet at the St. George Art Museum, 47 East 200 North in St. George. There is a small charge and everyone is welcome. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, call St. George Community Arts at (435)627-4525. Friday & Saturday, 8/11&12/2023, 10:00 am - Noon Historic St. George Live Tour Meet Dixie's famous pioneers as they come alive and describe living here at the turn of the century; entertaining and educational for everyone. Meet at the St. George Art Museum, 47 East 200 North in St. George. There is a small charge and everyone is welcome. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, call St. George Community Arts at (435)627-4525. Friday & Saturday, 8/18&19/2023, 10:00 am - Noon Historic St. George Live Tour Meet Dixie's famous pioneers as they come alive and describe living here at the turn of the century; entertaining and educational for everyone. Meet at the St. George Art Museum, 47 East 200 North in St. George. There is a small charge and everyone is welcome. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, call St. George Community Arts at (435)627-4525. Thursday, 8/24/2023, 9:45 am Washington County Historical Society Field Trip to the Cedar Livestock Auction Meet at the BLM office, 345 E. Riverside Drive in St. George at 9:45 am. We will then caravan up to the livestock auction in Cedar City which starts at 11:00. This event is free and everyone is welcome. For the the event handouts, click here and click here. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, call Milt at (435)632-1320. Friday & Saturday, 8/25&26/2023, 10:00 am - Noon Historic St. George Live Tour (Final two tours of the season) Meet Dixie's famous pioneers as they come alive and describe living here at the turn of the century; entertaining and educational for everyone. Meet at the St. George Art Museum, 47 East 200 North in St. George. There is a small charge and everyone is welcome. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, call St. George Community Arts at (435)627-4525. Saturday, 8/26/2023, 10:00 am Silver Reef Museum Cosmopolitan Event "Volcanic Events on the Arizona Strip" by Jeff Axel. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, contact the Museum at Museum@SilverReef.org or call (435)879-2254. Saturday, 8/26/2023 Enterprise Corn Fest For details, click here. Wednesday, 8/30/2023, 10:00 am - noon Washington County Historical Society Executive Committee Meeting For the agenda, click here. Anyone with an interest is welcome to attend. Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. Saturday, 9/2/2023, 7:00 pm Gunlock State Park Local History Speaker Loren Webb with speak on The Crash on Square Top Mountain A B-52G plane crash into Square Top Mountain which killed 7 crew members in 1983 has a monument erected in memory of the event. Come hear the history. The lecture will be in the tiny houses cul-de-sac section of the park. Parking will be in the day-use parking area. This event is free and everyone is welcome. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, call Gunlock State Park at (435)218-6544. Thursday, 9/7/2023, 7:00-8:30 pm *** CANCELED *** Pioneer Courthouse Lecture Series Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. This lecture is free and everyone is welcome. Thursday-Saturday, 9/7-9/2023 Sons of Utah Pioneers (SUP) National Encampment (in Dixie) See the flyer below for details. Hosted by the Dixie Encampment, Cotton Mission, and Hurricane Valley Chapters For the flyer, click here. Friday 9/15/2023 to Saturday 11/11/2023; Excluding Sundays and 9/30/2023 Open House at the Renovated Historic St. George Utah Temple This event is free and the public is invited. For information, click here. Saturday, 9/16/2023, 10:00 am Daughters of Utah Pioneers (DUP) 3rd Weekend Event "Beauty and Brains - Women Owned Beauty Shops" Lisa-Michelle Church, author and business woman, will make a presentation about women owned beauty shops in Utah. At the Daughters of Utah Pioneers (DUP) McQuarrie Memorial Museum 145 North 100 East, St. George UT 84770 This event is free and the public is invited. Thursday-Saturday, 9/21-23/2023 Santa Clara Swiss Days For details, click here. Saturday, 9/23/2023, 10:00 am Silver Reef Museum Cosmopolitan Event "Sheriff Antone Prince" by John Prince. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, contact the Museum at Museum@SilverReef.org or call (435)879-2254. Wednesday, 9/27/2023, 10:00 am - noon Washington County Historical Society Executive Committee Meeting Anyone with an interest is welcome to attend. Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. Saturday, 9/30/2023, 9:00 am Washington County Historical Society Field Trip to Toquerville Meet at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George at 9:00 am. We will then caravan up to the Toquerville City Park, 250 W. Center St. (or just meet there at 9:30 am) For information on Toquerville, click here and on John C. Naegle, click here. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, call Sidney at (435)703-1934. Saturday, 9/30/2023, 10:00 am - ??:?? pm Grafton Annual Reunion Last Saturday in September For more information, contact the Grafton Heritage Partnership Project. Monday, 10/2/2023, Noon - 1:00 pm Legacy Lecture Series Steven Erastus Snow will be the speaker. He is a native of St. George. Until August of 2019 he served as Church Historian and Recorder and was the Executive Director of the Church History Department. On the main floor of the St. George Tabernacle 18 S. Main Street, St. George UT 84770 This event is free and the public is invited. For the announcement, click here. If more information is needed, call Marilyn Lamoreaux at (435)705-0605. Thursday, 10/5/2023, 7:00-8:30 pm Pioneer Courthouse Lecture Series Lee Hughes will speak on Rare Plants of St. George. Come listen to Lee Hughes as he shares what he has learned about the rare plants around us. Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. This lecture is free and everyone is welcome. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Tuesday, 10/10/2023, 7:00 - 8:30 pm Pioneer Courthouse Music Series: The George Staheli Memorial Umpah Ensemble This group will be providing uplifting music to celebrate Octoberfest. They have been together for over 30 years and love to share their talents. Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. This concert is free and everyone is welcome. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Saturday, 10/14/2023, 9:00 am Washington County Historical Society Field Trip to the Lytle Ranch Meet at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George at 9:00 am. We will then caravan up to the Lytle Ranch. For a 12-minute video from the field trip, click here. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, call Sidney at (435)703-1934. Saturday, 10/14/2023, 11:00 am and 12:00 noon Lawmen & Muddy River Gang Shootout at the Silver Reef Museum Free 15-minute enactments and shootouts. At the Silver Reef Museum, 1903 Wells Fargo Road in Silver Reef. For information on the Muddy River Gang, see https://muddyriverbunch.wixsite.com/reenactments. If more information is needed, contact the Museum at Museum@SilverReef.org or call the Museum at (435)879-2254. Saturday, 10/21/2023, 9:45, 10:00, 10:15, and 10:30 am Washington County Historical Society Downtown Walking Tours There will be four 1-hour overlapping tours (you may select one): 9:45: Town Square led by Jim McArthur To sign up for this tour, click here 10:00: Green Gate Village led by Susan Crook To sign up for this tour, click here 10:15: Ancestor Square led by Loren Webb To sign up for this tour, click here 10:30: Pioneer Courthouse led by Bruce Pickett To sign up for this tour, click here For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Saturday, 10/21/2023, 10:00 am Daughters of Utah Pioneers (DUP) 3rd Weekend Event "Wood Inlay in Furniture" Colin Smith, a master woodworker and craftsman, will bring his talents and show his skills with wood inlay in furniture. At the Daughters of Utah Pioneers (DUP) McQuarrie Memorial Museum 145 North 100 East, St. George UT 84770 This event is free and the public is invited. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, see https://dupstgeorge.org or call the Museum at (435)628-7274. Wednesday, 10/25/2023, 10:00 am - noon Washington County Historical Society Executive Committee Meeting Anyone with an interest is welcome to attend. Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. Handouts from Matthew C. Godfrey of the Church History Department Church History Department Topical Resources, St. George/Southern Utah Selected Resources Pertaining to St. George, Utah, in Church History Library Catalog Friday-Saturday, 10/27-28/2023, Hours 7:00 to 9:00 pm Silver Reef Ghost Nights Celebrate Halloween with a trip back in time to the 1870's with the entertaining ghosts from Silver Reef's colorful past! Admission is $8.00 per person by reservation or $8.50 at the door based on availability. For reservations, https://tinyurl.com/SilverReefGhostNights-2023 or call the museum. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, contact the Museum at Museum@SilverReef.org or call the Museum at (435)879-2254. Saturday, 10/28/2023, 7:00 pm Gunlock State Park Local History Lecture Loren Webb will speak on William "Gunlock" Hamblin, noted Mormon pioneer settler, scout, gunsmith, missionary, and prospector believed to have been poisoned to death. The lecture will be in the tiny houses cul-de-sac section of the park. Parking will be in the day-use parking area. This event is free and everyone is welcome. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, call Gunlock State Park at (435)218-6544. Thursday, 11/2/2023, 7:00-8:30 pm Pioneer Courthouse Lecture Series Ester West will speak on TBA. Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. This lecture is free and everyone is welcome. Monday, 11/6/2023, Noon - 1:00 pm Legacy Lecture Series Larry H. Gardner will be the speaker. He will talk about Pine Valley - the Place, the Purpose, and some of the Pioneer Personalities in the Settling of Southern Utah. In the basement of the St. George Tabernacle 18 S. Main Street, St. George UT 84770 This event is free and the public is invited. For the announcement, click here. If more information is needed, call Marilyn Lamoreaux at (435)705-0605. Saturday, 11/11/2023, 9:00 am Washington County Historical Society Field Trip to the Encampment Mall Meet at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George at 9:00 am. We will then caravan over to the Encampment Mall. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, call Sidney at (435)703-1934. Saturday, 11/18/2023, 10:00 am Daughters of Utah Pioneers (DUP) 3rd Weekend Event "Cattle Ranches and Branding" Lyman Hafen, author and cattleman, will make a presentation about cattle ranches and branding in our local area. At the Daughters of Utah Pioneers (DUP) McQuarrie Memorial Museum 145 North 100 East, St. George UT 84770 This event is free and the public is invited. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, see https://dupstgeorge.org or call the Museum at (435)628-7274. Saturday, 11/18/2023, 11:00 am - 3:00 pm This is the last day the old Pioneer Courthouse will be open under WCHS management. Take a tour of this historic building while you still can. Until the closure, the gift shop will be offering items at a 50% discount. The old Pioneer Courthouse is at 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. For the flyer, click here. For more information, call the museum at (435)879-2254. Saturday, 11/25/2023, 10:00 am Silver Reef Museum Cosmopolitan Event "Silver Reef & American Politics in the Late 1880s" by Andrew Peterson. For the flyer, click here. For more information, call the museum at (435)879-2254. Wednesday, 11/29/2023, 10:00 am - noon Washington County Historical Society Executive Committee Meeting Anyone with an interest is welcome to attend. Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. Monday, 12/4/2023, Noon - 1:00 pm Legacy Lecture Series Del Parson will be the speaker. He will address his life-long love of art and painting, and his 30 years of teaching at Utah Tech University. On the main floor of the St. George Tabernacle 18 S. Main Street, St. George UT 84770 This event is free and the public is invited. For the announcement, click here. If more information is needed, call Marilyn Lamoreaux at (435)705-0605. Thursday, 12/7/2023, 6:00 - 7:15 pm "Southern Utah Cotton Mission" at the St. George Library Local Historian, Author, and Educator, Reuben Wadsworth, will present on the history of the Southern Utah Cotton Mission. This will be a great program to learn about Southern Utah's early pioneer settlers, history, and important locations. Free and all are welcome to attend. Downstairs in Community Room A at the St. George Library, 88 West 100 South, St George UT 84770 For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail Trevor M. Cox at trevor.cox@washco.lib.ut.us. Thursday, 12/7/2023, 7:00-8:30 pm Pioneer Courthouse Lecture Series The program will be "Zion National Park", a lecture by Conner Bennett, the first Paleontology Intern at the park. Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. This lecture is free and everyone is welcome. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Tuesday, 12/12/2023, 7:00 - 8:30 pm Pioneer Courthouse Music Series: Santa Clara Friends This will be the last musical program at the Pioneer Courthouse before it closes for repairs. Come enjoy the Santa Clara Friends as they share their beautiful and festive Christmas music. Upstairs (Courtroom) at the Pioneer Courthouse, 97 E. St. George Blvd. in St. George. This concert is free and everyone is welcome. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, e-mail pioneer.courthousesg@gmail.com or call (435)632-1215. Saturday, 12/16/2023, 10:00 am Daughters of Utah Pioneers (DUP) 3rd Weekend Event "Back to Bethlehem" For the second year, Judy Call is going to bring her town of Bethlehem to the museum and give information about the day Christ was born. At the Daughters of Utah Pioneers (DUP) McQuarrie Memorial Museum 145 North 100 East, St. George UT 84770 This event is free and the public is invited. For the flyer, click here. If more information is needed, see https://dupstgeorge.org or call the Museum at (435)628-7274. |