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WASHINGTON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY (Washington County, Utah)DIXIE HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 19551951-1955, St. George, Utah |
MEMBERSBruce Addis --- deceasedAnna Averett [Faulkner] William Baker Glen Ray Beal Wanda Blake [Lucus] Lloyd Booth --- deceased Ferris Bowler --- deceased Richard Kay Bowler --- deceased Alma Bracken --- deceased Bennett Bracken --- deceased Kay Brooks; --- deceased Grant Bullock Fred Bundy --- deceased Glendel Bunker Mary Carolyn Burris [Lister] --- deceased Monte "Mont" Burton Janice Cannon [Wood/Woods] Kerry Cannon --- deceased Joyce Caudill [Hannig] Grant Christian Clark Church Beatrice "Bea" Condie [Foremaster] Dean Cottam Kenneth Cottam --- deceased Marcia "Honey" Crandall [Stucki] Irene Dalton Quentin Ence --- deceased Stan Esplin Ted Everett Reed Gardner Melva Gifford [Rasmussen] Donna Rae Gillespie [Church] --- deceased Pat Gubler [Clove] Ada Marie Hafen [Cannon] Lonny Hafen Miriam Hafen [Imlay] --- deceased Michael Hafen --- deceased Dorothy Hall [Lindsay] Doug Hannig Joyce Hanson [Solomon] --- deceased Wanetta Hardy [Hayes] --- deceased Glenna Hatch [Hullinger] Blaine Hiatt Dennis Holland Gary Holt --- deceased Eula Leona Hopkins [Rand] Doug Hunt LaFae Iverson [Bythway] --- deceased Mary Ann Iverson [Miller] --- deceased Mervin Iverson Joyce Jessup [Miller] Ken Jolley Ivor Jones Stan Jones Vera Jones [Seitz] Vernon Jones Gale Judd [Case] George Chuck Kemple Caroline Kimball [Demos] --- deceased Mary Ruth Kirkland [Cooper] --- deceased Grey Larkin --- deceased Patrica Larsen --- deceased Ronald "Ron" Leavitt --- deceased Sherin "Sheri" Leavitt [Larsen/Larson] Dallas Lister --- deceased Larry Lytle Robert "Bob" Lytle Richard May --- deceased Karl McAllister --- deceased Mary LaRee McAllister [Jones] Mary Lee McAllister Geniel McConkie [Christian] George McConkie Lorenzo W. "Mac" McGregor Richard McNeely --- deceased Donald Miles Melvin "Mel" Miles Bob Miller Burton Milne --- deceased Elva Carol Musig [Christian] [Hunt] Clark N. Nelson, Sr. Kenneth "Ken" Nelson --- deceased Wenda Nelson [Turnbeaugh] Clark Noel LeRoy Oliphant Diane Olson [Esplin] Ross Pectol Amelia Ann Pendleton [Leany] Don Pendleton Ethel Pointer [Kimura] Nora Pointer [Hughes] --- deceased Betty Powell [Haynie] Kent Prisbrey --- deceased Janice Reber [Oyler] --- deceased Keith W. Reichmann Claudia Rowley [Evans] --- deceased Betty Jane Rydman [Reber] Ione Seitz [Pickett] David Shakespeare Annette Snow [Decker] R. J. Snow --- deceased Ronald Snow Verna Jean Sorenson [Benson] Verdel Sproul --- deceased Stanley Staheli --- deceased Bruce Stowell Clorinda Stratton [Castaneda] William "Bud" Stratton Bruce Stucki Elroy Stucki Mary Lynn Stucki [Tousa] LeNore Syphus Jay Dee Walker --- deceased Cleone Wallis [Davenport] Kathryn Williams [???] Marietta Wilson [Beatty] Erinae Woodbury [Christiansen] HISTORYTBDPHOTOSWCHS photos:WCHS-02493 Photo of people at the 1985 reunion of the Dixie High School Class of 1955 WCHS-02494 Photo of people at the 1995 reunion of the Dixie High School Class of 1955 WCHS-02495 Photo of people at the 2005 reunion of the Dixie High School Class of 1955 WCHS-02557 Photo of the 2015 reunion committee for the Dixie High School Class of 1955 WCHS-02558 Photo of people at the 2015 reunion of the Dixie High School Class of 1955 WCHS-02559 Photo in remembrance of James Grey Larkin, 1937-2015 (DHS Class of 1955) WCHS-02931 Photo of Dixie High School Class of 1955 classmates WCHS-02932 Photo of Mont Burton and Stan Esplin celebrating Mont's wedding WCHS-02933 Photo of Honey Crandall Stucki and LaRee McAllister Jones decorating Mont Burton's home WCHS-02934 Photo of Bea Condie Foremaster decorating Mont Burton's home WCHS-03042 Photo of a Dixie High School Class of 1955 ladies summer social REFERENCESMany of the Dixie High School yearbooks are online athttp://www.skalooza.com/utah-washington-saint_george/dixie_high You must register to see them, but registration is free. January 1955 Calendar Dixie High School Class of 1955 15-Year Reunion Brochure Dixie High School Class of 1955 50-Year Reunion Brochure Dixie High School Class of 1955 Songs Dixie High School Class of 1955 Photo Album A Few memories of Woodard and Dixie by Keith W. Reichmann, Dixie High School Class of 1955 Dixie High School Class of 1955 Memoirs of a Schoolboy Prepared for the Class of 1955 reunion in May of 2015 by Clark N. Nelson, Sr. Thoughts on the passing of Janice Reber Oyler by Quentin Ence, Dixie High School Class of 1955 This was written just days before Quint himself passed away and is the last thing he wrote about the DHS Class of 1955. Members of Dixie High Class of 1955 gather for 80th birthday bash Article in the St George News by Joseph Witham, 6/6/2017 |