Related Pages
The residents of Toquerville and Virgin farmed the Hurricane benchland for quite a while before any of them
lived there. In 1906, eleven families took up residence on those farmlands.
Hurricane Historic District
Hurricane Homes
Pioneer Heritage Park
Pioneer Museum

From the J. L. Crawford Collection
WCHS photos:
Photo of the Hurricane Canal running down to the town of Hurricane
Other photos on the web:
1929 photo of the village of Hurricane from up on Hurricane Hill
2003 photo of "Molly's Nipple" and the hills behind Hurricane
Photo of the Hurricane pioneer monument and and unidentified man
2003 photo of a new internet cafe in the Hurricane Valley
Photo of the old Hurricane Bridge
Photo of the old Hurricane Bridge
10/15/1937 photo of the Hurricane Bridge and other things
Photo of the Virgin River [Hurricane] Bridge from the LaVerkin overlook
7/1938 photo of R. D. Adams, William R. Palmer, President Englestead, and an unidentified man
beside the Hurricane Cannery
2003 photo of the Hurricane City Offices
2003 photo of the Hurricane City Offices
Photo of Alice Parker Isom (1848-1924), a pioneer who settled in Virgin and Hurricane
1909 photo of Theodore Roosevelt with Edwin Wooley, enjoying the sights of southern Utah
Photo of an unidentified woman and two children, possibly from Hurricane
Photo of the Hurricane Chapter of the Future Farmers of America
Photo of an unidentified man, possibly from Hurricane
Photo of Alice Parker Isom (1848-1924), a pioneer who settled in Virgin and Hurricane
LDS Regional Welfare Exchange in Hurricane
LDS Regional Welfare Exchange in Hurricane
LDS Regional Welfare Exchange in Hurricane
LDS Regional Welfare Exchange in Hurricane
LDS Regional Welfare Exchange in Hurricane
LDS Regional Welfare Exchange in Hurricane
LDS Regional Welfare Exchange in Hurricane
LDS Regional Welfare Exchange in Hurricane
LDS Regional Welfare Exchange in Hurricane
LDS Regional Welfare Exchange in Hurricane
LDS Regional Welfare Exchange in Hurricane
LDS Regional Welfare Exchange in Hurricane
LDS Regional Welfare Exchange in Hurricane
Photos from the National Register of Historic Places nomination form
City of Hurricane official website
Wikipedia article about Hurricane
A history of Hurricane
A history of Hurricane
A history of the Hurricane Bench
National Register of Historic Places, Inventory - Nomination Form
"Honoring Our Ancestors"
Book by the Hurricane Utah Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Hurricane: Homestead Publishers, 1986
From the First Pioneers To the Present 1853-1992
Sponsored by the Hurricane Second Ward Relief Society
Written by Cleora Covington, Edited by Eleanor Hall, and Updated by David T. Hinton
From the Trench to the Bench ... Dreams Do Come True, A History of the Hurricane Valley
By the Hurricane Valley Camp of Daughters of Utah Pioneers, 2019
"Hurricane Then and Now"
Book by Dell C Stout
St. George: Privately printed by Dell C. Stout, 1999
"Hurricane History"
Article by Victor Hall
To view, click here.
Washington County Chapter, Daughters of the Utah Pioneers,
Under Dixie Sun".
1950 with 1978 Supplement.
Pages 405-419, Supplement Pages 16-17.
"Hurricane Museums and Other Historical Preservation Projects"
Book by Victor Hall
Hurricane: Privately printed, 2003
"Hurricane, Utah Stake, 1929-1995"
Book by Victor Hall
St. George: Privately prnted, 1995
In Their Honor: The Life Stories of Clara Marie Scott & Thomas Irving Stanworth
A book by their granddaughter, Linda (Stanworth) Dinkel
"Selected Topics Related To Hurricane, Utah"
This collection of articles
was written and/or compiled by Victor Hall, 2003.
The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company - Telephone Book, May 1941,
Page 18
The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company - Telephone Book, Fall 1958, Pages
19 and
Mountain States Telephone - Telephone Book, October 1961,
19 and
Mountain Bell - Telephone Book, September 1972,
45, and
Trail a tribute to Hurricane Canal
Article by Joanne Rideout, Deseret News, 6/1/2001
History reveals intriguing origins of unique place names in Southern Utah
Article by Ammon Teare, St. George News, 6/12/2021