Dixie Colonels logo



St. George, Utah


The "Dixie Colonels" was an active community athletic booster club in St. George. Funds were raised by club
membership dues. It supported high school and college athletic programs including recruiting costs and
scholarships for athletes who don't qualify for state or federal assistance. Sometimes Colonel members
provided jobs for athletes during the off season.

In addition to financial support, the Dixie Colonels frequently attended high school and college games. One of
the benefits of membership was receiving season passes for all Dixie High School and Dixie College athletic
events for the member and one guest.

For a time, the Dixie Colonels sponsored a Dixie Colonels Holiday Classic basketball tournament.

Note: There is also "The Dixie Colonels" at Dixie Heights High School, Edgewood, Kenton County, Kentucky


The "Dixie Boosters" got their start in 1943 with Lorraine Cox, Leon Watson, and Sarkis Arslanian
providing the guiding force.

In 1964, the "Dixie Boosters" was incorporated as "Dixie Athletics, Inc." and received the nickname,
"Dixie Colonels".

Dixie Colonels Holiday Classic tournaments:
1981: click here and click here.

Dixie Colonels officers
In 19??, the officers were:
    H. Val Hafen, President
In 1976, the officers were:
    Mont Burton, President
    Kent Garrett, Vice President
    Ron Thompson, Secretary
In 1985, the officers were:
    Doyle Sampson, President


WCHS photos:
WCHS-04545   1981 Dixie Colonels Invitational Basketball Tournament Medal


Newspaper minor references to "The Dixie Colonels"

Help Keep Sports Alive at Dixie, COLONELS DONATE $'S
The Dixie Sun, October 14, 1976, Page 5