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Juanita Brooks became one of the best-known historians of Mormon and Utah history.
Her autobiography is a valuable source of information on early southern Utah and Mormon history.
First edition
Paperback, ??? Pages, ?" x ?" x ?"
Published by Howe Brothers, Salt Lake City, 1982
ISBN: ???-?-????-????-?
Second edition
Paperback, 342 Pages, ?" x ?" x ?"
Published by the Utah State University Press, Logan UT, 1992.
ISBN: 9780874211634
This book is out of print, but is available from a number of online booksellers.
Copies are in the Special Collections section of the Santa Clara, St. George, and Washington branches
of the Washington County Library, Call Number SP M270.07 Brooks.
A number of copies are available for checkout from the Washington County Library,
Call Number 979.203092 Brooks.

Front Cover

Back Cover
| Introduction | xix |
1. | Wide, Wonderful World | 5 |
2. | A One-Room Adobe House | 11 |
3. | Missionary's Wife | 15 |
4. | The Fruit Basket Tipped Over | 27 |
5. | The Returned Missionary | 37 |
6. | Pa Goes Freighting | 51 |
7. | The Mail Contract | 58 |
8. | The Cistern | 64 |
9. | Across the Mesa | 67 |
10. | The Outside Comes In | 76 |
11. | Simon and the Magic Sack | 84 |
12. | Flax | 90 |
13. | The Christmas Tree | 99 |
14. | Over the Shovel Handles | 107 |
15. | Old Tubucks | 117 |
16. | Fifth Grade or Sixth Grade | 127 |
17. | Bishop's Court | 134 |
18. | All on a Summer's Day | 142 |
19. | The Lord's Vineyard | 151 |
20. | The Outsider | 161 |
21. | Selah | 170 |
1. | Bunderville High | 181 |
2. | Pine Valley Summer | 189 |
3. | Miss Mina Connell | 194 |
4. | The Little Schoolteacher | 209 |
5. | Winter of Courtship | 221 |
6. | The Cabin Spring | 231 |
7. | Birth and Death | 238 |
8. | The Twenty-fourth | 249 |
9. | Dixie College | 256 |
10. | In the Virgin Valley | 263 |
11. | At the BYU | 272 |
12. | The Red Maxwell Racer | 281 |
13. | Home for Christmas | 289 |
14. | To Columbia | 300 |
15. | Dean of Women | 310 |
16. | Just a-Visiting | 319 |
| Epilogue: "Heaven Is ... | 330 |
| Appendix A: Dale Morgan to Juanita Brooks, 12 May 1944 | 339 |
| Appendix B: Dale Morgan to Bernard DeVoto, 4 August 1944 | 341 |
| ILLUSTRATIONS (following page 156) | |
1. | Littlefield, Arizona, ca. 1900 |
2. | Bunkerville, Nevada, ca. 1900 |
3. | Henry and Mary Hafen Leavitt |
4. | Mary Ann Stucki Hafen home, Bunkerville |
5. | Pioche, Nevada, ca. 1900 |
6. | Dudley Leavitt and wives Mary and Mariah |
7. | Arrowhead Trail car, 1918 |
8. | St. George, Utah, looking southeast, 1900s |
9. | Author's first school at Bunkerville |
10. | Thomas D. Leavitt home, Bunkerville, 1918 |
11. | St. George, looking northeast, early 1900s |
12. | School house at Mesquite, Nevada, ca. 1920 |
13. | Sunday School at Mesquite, ca. 1920 |
14. | Author, ca. 1920 |
15. | Fourth of July at Enterprise, Utah, ca. 1915 |
16. | Dixie Academy building, St. George, ca. 1925 |
17. | Daisy, Juanita, and Eva, ca. 1925 |
18. | Tabernacle and Main, St. George, ca. 1930 |
19. | Picking strawberries, 1927 |
20. | In Yellowstone Park, 1927 |
21. | Juanita and Ernie, ca. 1928 |
22. | Main Street, St. George, ca. 1930 |
23. | Dedication of Mountain Meadows Massacre monument, 1932 |
24. | Wedding dinner at the Brooks home, 1933 |
25. | The family of Henry Leavitt, mid-1940s |