Introduction to Books   Regional Book Catalog


The book collection at the St. George Regional Family History Training Center is one of the most complete in the area.  There are nearly 6,000 books in the collection, many of which are not found in the Family History Library in Salt Lake City.


The collection is organized by locality for books specific to a local area, state, country or region. 


Biographies, personal histories and family genealogies are organized alphabetically by principal surname (husband’s surname or wife’s maiden name). 


Reference materials including maps and research aids are in the first two vertical sections (Sections 1 & 2, west end of bookroom).  Federal census records are in the last three vertical sections (Sections 34, 35 and 36, east end of bookroom).


There are 36 vertical sections (set of book vertical shelves) in the library plus the Glass Case (hallway near entrance of classroom 2) which is reserved for rare, fragile and restricted books.  If you need a book from the Glass Case, ask at the front desk.


Oversized books and periodicals/journals are placed on the bottom shelf closest to the section (locality or biography) to which they belong.


The book collection is organized in browsing order grouped by like surnames and like localities. 


Each book has a Dewey Decimal Number (not the same as the Modified Dewey Decimal Number used by the Family History Library Catalog).  Each book also has a shelf sequence number (e.g., 2315) for easy finding and re-shelving.  As books are added to the collection, the shelf sequence number is augmented with a letter (e.g., 2315A, 2315B, 2315C, etc) to insert new books at the same shelf location.



How to use the Book Catalog      Regional Book Catalog


The Regional Book Catalog is contained on a single web page (allow a few moments for it to load).  It contains Title, Author, Locality, Subject, Dewey Decimal Number, Shelf Section Number, and a Shelf Sequence Number.


It also contains information as to whether the book is available only at the Regional Family History Training Center (RFHTC only), or also at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City (RFHTC & FHL).


To find a book in the collection, use the Find feature available in Windows for any web page.  In the menu bar of the browser, click on Edit and Find on this page (Ctrl + F).  Then type a word to search for (author’s name, subject, locality, or part of a title) and click the Next button. 


The browser will search anywhere on the web page, not specifically in one field.  Therefore, if you asked to search for “Yorkshire”, it will find books with Yorkshire in the title, locality, or subject and highlight the first occurrence as it works its way down the page from the current cursor location.   To find the next occurrence of the word, click the Next button again.  To search in the reverse direction up the page, click the Previous button.


You can enter a phrase (multiple word) for your query and the browser will search for the phrase exactly as you entered it (e.g., History of Bear Lake Pioneers)


Searches are not case sensitive.  You may enter search terms with or without capital letters.


There is no Print function available.  The current version of the Book Catalog does not support a convenient print option.  If you attempt to print the catalog it will be very slow and generate a 70 page document (at 5¢ per page).


Copy selected items to WordPad and Print from WordPad.  You may highlight and copy the text of one book at a time (recommended), and paste the text into WordPad followed by a blank line.  Then repeat the copy and paste operation for each additional book of interest.  When you are done, have WordPad print the page.  The formatting is not perfect, but it is very useful.



Other Genealogy Libraries


Buena Vista FHC, 860 N. Fairway Dr, Washington, Utah 84780 (986-9968)

Hurricane FHC, 37 S. 200 W., Hurricane, Utah 84737 (635-2174)

Ivins FHC, 290 E. 1060 S., Ivins 84738 (634-1852)


Washington County Library, 50 S. Main St., St. George, Utah 84770 (634-5737)


Google Books Online   Search by title, author, subject and read the book online. Book Catalog  Search within a book or collection.  This link goes directly to the website.  Use the LDS Portal link to access subscription features.

St. George Regional Books and Films

Book Catalog


Section Locations and their Content


Glass Case - rare, fragile, and restricted books


Bookroom Vertical Shelf Sections 1-36

Note 1: Look at bottom shelves for oversized books and periodicals.

Note 2: States within the U.S. are organized by geographic regions starting in the New England States working southward and westward to Hawaii.


1            ----- International Quarterlies

        413--Dictionaries (light green tape on spine)

        912--Maps - Atlases (dark green tape on spine)

        912--Township and Federal Census Maps (dark green)

        920--Research Aids - Resources (blue tape on spine)

2       920--Research Aids - Resources - Ethnic Groups (blue)

        920--Research Aids - Resources - British Isles (blue)

       920--Research Aids - Resources - Germany (blue)

        920--Research Aids - Resources - Europe (blue)

        920--Research Aids - Resources - Asia (blue)

3       920--Research Aids - Resources - Canada (blue)

        920--Research Aids - Resources - North America (blue)

        920--Research Aids - Resources - USA (blue)

        922--Organizational Histories  (red tape on spine)

4       929.2 Family Histories by principal surname (red tape)

5       929.2 Family Histories by principal surname (red tape )

6       929.2 Family Histories by principal surname (red tape)

7       929.2 Family Histories by principal surname (red tape)

8       929.2 Family Histories by principal surname (red tape)

9       929.2 Family Histories by principal surname (red tape)

10     929.2 Family Histories by principal surname (red tape)

        929.2 Family Histories by principal surname (red tape)

        929.2 Family Histories by principal surname (red tape)

        929.2 Family Histories by principal surname (red tape)

        929.2 Family Histories by principal surname (red tape)

        929.2 Family Histories by principal surname (red tape)

        929.4 Personal Histories (red tape on spine)

11     929.4 Personal Histories (red tape on spine)

        929.7 Royal Landed Gentry

        941.3 Scotland

        941.5 Ireland

12     942    England / Wales

13     942    England

14     942    England

        942    Wales

        943.8  Poland, France, Italy

        948    Scandinavia

15     970.3 American Indians

        971    Canada, Acadia

        973    United States

16     973    United States

17     973    United States

        974.1  Maine

        943.3  Vermont

        974.2  New Hampshire

        974.4  Massachusetts

18     974.4  Massachusetts

        974.4  Massachusetts - Berkshire County

        974.4  Massachusetts - Franklin County

        974.4  Massachusetts - Hampshire County

        974.4  Massachusetts - Hampden County

        974.4  Massachusetts - Worcester County

        974.4  Massachusetts - Middlesex County

19     974.4  Massachusetts - Essex County

        974.4  Massachusetts - Soffolk County

20     974.4  Massachusetts - Norfork County

        974.4  Massachusetts - Plymouth County

        974.4  Massachusetts - Bristol County

        974.4  Massachusetts - Nantucket County

        974.5  Rhode Island

        974.6  Connecticut

21     974.6  Connecticut

        974.7  New York

22     974.7  New York

        974.8  Pennsylvania

23     974.8  Pennsylvania

24     974.1  Maine

        974.9  New Jersey

        975.2  Maryland

25     975.3  District of Columbia (Washington)

        975.4  West Virginia

        975.5  Virginia

26     975.6  North Carolina

        975.7  South Carolina

        975.8  Georgia

27     975.9  Florida

        976.1  Alabama

        976.2  Mississippi

        976.3  Louisiana

28     976.7  Arkansas

        976.8  Tennessee

        976.9  Kentucky

29     976.9  Kentucky

        977--  North Central States

        977.1  Ohio

        977.2  Indiana

        977.3  Illinois

30     977.3  Illinois

        977.4  Michigan

        977.5  Wisconsin

        977.6  Minnesota

        977.7  Iowa

31     977.8  Missouri

        978.1  Kansas

        978.2  Nebraska

        978.3  South Dakota

        978.7  Wyoming

        978.8  Colorado

        979.1  Arizona

32     979.2  Utah

33     979.2  Utah

        979.3  Nevada

        979.4  California

        979.5  Oregon

34     979.6  Idaho

        979.7  Washington

        979.3  Federal Censuses by State (orange taped spine)

35     979.3  Federal Censuses by State (orange taped spine)

36     979.3  Federal Censuses by State (orange taped spine)

        974--  New England historical and Genealogical
