Introduction to Microfilms
The microfilm collection at the St. George Regional Family History Training Center is one of the most complete in the area. There are approximately 1,3000 microfilms in the collection in addition to the 6,500 microfiche titles (representing nearly 48,000 microfiche total).
The collection is organized by microfilm number by cabinet and drawer numbers for easy retrieval. The catalog is sorted by Country and State to group all films by geographic locality.
Microfilms in this catalog are on indefinite loan, until the Family History Library requests their return, usually a 2-year period. Microfilms on temporary loan are not listed in the catalog, but are located in the Microfilm-Microfiche room for patrons to use.
Patrons may order additional microfilm for a rental fee of $5.50 (45-days), $11.00 (90-days), or $16.50 (2-years). Microfilms may be extended from temporary loan to indefinite loan by paying the difference between the initial rental fee and the $16.50 total for indefinite loan. Patrons should check he Regional Microfilm Catalog before ordering a microfilm to make sure it is not already available.
Four microfilm readers are available in the Microfilm-Microfiche Room. Each of them has a zoom lens able to accommodate both 35mm and 16mm film.
Microfilm image printing and digital imaging is available in the Administration Room next to the front desk. Images may be digitally enhanced for readability and presentation. Paper copies are 5¢ each. Digital images on your electronic media are free. CDs ($.50), and flash drives ($8.00) area available at the front desk.
How to use the Microfilm Catalog
The Regional Microfilm Catalog is contained on a single web page (allow a few moments for it to load). It contains Microfilm Number, Cabinet Number, Drawer Number, Category (Subject), Country, State, and Principal Surname.
To find a microfilm in the collection, use the Find feature available in Windows for any web page. In the menu bar of the browser, click on Edit and Find on this page (Ctrl + F). Then type a word to search for (author’s name, subject, locality, or part of a title) and click the Next button. This is a good way to find a microfilm number in the collection.
The browser will search anywhere on the web page, not specifically in one field. Therefore, if you asked to search for “Yorkshire”, it will find microfilms with Yorkshire in the title, locality, or subject and highlight the first occurrence as it works its way down the page from the current cursor location. To find the next occurrence of the word, click the Next button again. To search in the reverse direction up the page, click the Previous button.
You can enter a phrase (multiple word) for your query and the browser will search for the phrase exactly as you entered it (e.g., 1870 Census Index)
Searches are not case sensitive. You may enter search terms with or without capital letters.
There is no Print function available. The current version of the Microfilm Catalog does not support a convenient print option. If you attempt to print the catalog it will be very slow and generate a 24 page document (at 5¢ per page).
Copy selected items to WordPad and Print from WordPad. You may highlight and copy the text of one microfilm at a time (recommended), and paste the text into WordPad followed by a blank line. Then repeat the copy and paste operation for each additional microfilm of interest. When you are done, have WordPad print the page. The formatting is not perfect, but it is very useful.
Other Genealogy Libraries with Microfilm Collections
Buena Vista FHC, 860 N. Fairway Dr, Washington, Utah 84780 (986-9968)
Hurricane FHC, 37 S. 200 W., Hurricane, Utah 84737 (635-2174)
Ivins FHC, 290 E. 1060 S., Ivins 84738 (634-1852)
St. George Regional Books and Films
Microfilm Catalog
Introduction to Microfiche
The microfiche collection at the St. George Regional Family History Training Center is one of the most complete in the area. There are approximately 6,500 microfiche titles (representing nearly 48,000 microfiche total) in the collection in addition to the 1,300 microfilms.
The collection is organized by microfiche number by cabinet, drawer and section numbers for easy retrieval. The catalog is sorted by Country and State to group all films by geographic locality.
Microfiche in this catalog are on indefinite loan, until the Family History Library requests their return.
Patrons may order additional microfiche for indefinite loan at a rental fee of 15¢ each, but they must be ordered in complete sets.
Three microfiche readers are available in the Microfilm-Microfiche Room.
Microfiche image printing and digital imaging is available in the Administration Room next to the front desk. Images may be digitally enhanced for readability and presentation. Paper copies are 5¢ each. Digital images on your electronic media are free. CDs ($.50), and flash drives ($8.00) area available at the front desk.
How to use the Microfiche Catalog
The Regional Microfiche Catalog is contained on a single web page (allow a few moments for it to load). It contains Microfiche Number, Cabinet Number, Drawer Number, Section Number, Country, State, Category (Subject), and Content Description.
To find a microfiche in the collection, use the Find feature available in Windows for any web page. In the menu bar of the browser, click on Edit and Find on this page (Ctrl + F). Then type a word to search for (author’s name, subject, locality, or part of a title) and click the Next button. This is a good way to find a microfiche number in the collection.
The browser will search anywhere on the web page, not specifically in one field. Therefore, if you asked to search for “Yorkshire”, it will find microfiche with Yorkshire in the title, locality, or subject and highlight the first occurrence as it works its way down the page from the current cursor location. To find the next occurrence of the word, click the Next button again. To search in the reverse direction up the page, click the Previous button.
You can enter a phrase (multiple word) for your query and the browser will search for the phrase exactly as you entered it (e.g., Handbook of German Research).
Searches are not case sensitive. You may enter search terms with or without capital letters.
There is no Print function available. The current version of the Microfiche Catalog does not support a convenient print option. If you attempt to print the catalog it will be very slow and generate a 120 page document (at 5¢ per page).
Copy selected items to WordPad and Print from WordPad. You may highlight and copy the text of one microfilm at a time (recommended), and paste the text into WordPad followed by a blank line. Then repeat the copy and paste operation for each additional microfilm of interest. When you are done, have WordPad print the page. The formatting is not perfect, but it is very useful.
Other Genealogy Libraries with Microfiche Collections
Buena Vista FHC, 860 N. Fairway Dr, Washington, Utah 84780 (986-9968)
Hurricane FHC, 37 S. 200 W., Hurricane, Utah 84737 (635-2174)
Ivins FHC, 290 E. 1060 S., Ivins 84738 (634-1852)